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Guest Charlotte

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Our state association will have 7 proxies present for a budget meeting, is this a quorum? We are fighting a group of people who wan tot take over the association and spend all the money so they get board members to use them as proxies. Any suggestions?

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Our state association will have 7 proxies present for a budget meeting, is this a quorum? We are fighting a group of people who wan tot take over the association and spend all the money so they get board members to use them as proxies. Any suggestions?

Proxy voting is not allowed unless the bylaws specifically provides for it (RONR pp. 408-409) so if your bylaws permits it then they need to supply all the other details as well (including how they factor into the quorum).

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Our state association will have 7 proxies present for a budget meeting, is this a quorum? We are fighting a group of people who wan tot take over the association and spend all the money so they get board members to use them as proxies. Any suggestions?

Do you mean can a board member ask another person to sit in for them and vote? NO!!!!!!!!!! Unless the bylaws grant such an absurd idea.

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Our state association will have 7 proxies present for a budget meeting, is this a quorum? We are fighting a group of people who wan tot take over the association and spend all the money so they get board members to use them as proxies. Any suggestions?

Proxies are prohibited by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) to the maximum extent permissible by law. If your state allows organizations like yours to prohibit proxy voting, and you have adopted RONR as your parliamentary authority then you, too, have prohibited proxy voting, unless your bylaws contain special rules to allow the practice.

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