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Motions sent to Conference

Guest Ed

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Our organization conducts an annual national conference. The bylaws allow local units to submit proposals to the conference for its consideration. We think there will be a number of very similar proposals on the same subject submitted this time.

Assuming this happens, how do you deal with this at the conference? I know the conference may only be asked to resolve the issue once but how do you decide which motion starts the process? The state president is against all the motions so she would start with one unlikely to pass. Should the motions be presented in the order they are presented to the secretary or in the order the president selects or in some other order?

I know that, in theory, it doesn't matter since the assembly can amend/substitute to improve the motion but I'm not convinced that doesn't cost us in debate.

Your thoughts, please.

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Should the motions be presented in the order they are presented to the secretary or in the order the president selects or in some other order?

They should be considered in the most logical order. That is, if the adoption of one motion would make the adoption of another motion moot, that's the order to follow.

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If this problem is likely to come around again next year, consider setting up a "Resolutions Committee", via bylaw amendments. See RONR, p. 614 ff. for what this is all about and how it can help.

Probably too late for this year since bylaw amendments are required to do the job right and efficiently.

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The state president is against all the motions so she would start with one unlikely to pass. Should the motions be presented in the order they are presented to the secretary or in the order the president selects or in some other order?

You can make a motion as to what order they will be considered in. The meeting does what the membership wants, not what the president wants.

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Our organization conducts an annual national conference. The bylaws allow local units to submit proposals to the conference for its consideration. We think there will be a number of very similar proposals on the same subject submitted this time.

Assuming this happens, how do you deal with this at the conference? I know the conference may only be asked to resolve the issue once but how do you decide which motion starts the process? The state president is against all the motions so she would start with one unlikely to pass. Should the motions be presented in the order they are presented to the secretary or in the order the president selects or in some other order?

I know that, in theory, it doesn't matter since the assembly can amend/substitute to improve the motion but I'm not convinced that doesn't cost us in debate.

Your thoughts, please.

Unless there is more to this than I know, the member who is able to obtain the floor first can make the main motion to introduce the new topic.

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