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Guest Jim

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What is the process to request a supermajority to pass an action item?

Since it takes a supermajority to require a supermajority, there's really not much point to it.

But the only "supermajority" sanctioned by RONR is a two-thirds vote and the rules are quite specific about when it's required (and when it's not).

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That helps-we have a controversial action item that some have said they want to require a supermajority to pass. I just wanted to know if a motion to require a supermajority required a supermajority to pass as opposed to a simple majority.

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That helps-we have a controversial action item that some have said they want to require a supermajority to pass. I just wanted to know if a motion to require a supermajority required a supermajority to pass as opposed to a simple majority.

Well you could add the words this motion will not take effect unless adopted by a 3/4 vote or a 2/3 vote or whatever vote you want. It would still only take a majority vote to adopt the motion it just wouldn't take effect unless approved by the larger vote.

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Well you could add the words this motion will not take effect unless adopted by a 3/4 vote or a 2/3 vote or whatever vote you want. It would still only take a majority vote to adopt the motion it just wouldn't take effect unless approved by the larger vote.

Alan, I'm unclear on what you're suggesting here; could you clarify? Are you suggesting there be no vote for the higher voting threshold? IOW "I move we purchase donuts for all 2011 business meetings but only if approved by a 2/3 vote."? So if my motion passes 15-14, the motion is adopted, but will not take effect? Would that motion be in order?

Or, at 15-14, is the motion lost?

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Alan, I'm unclear on what you're suggesting here; could you clarify? Are you suggesting there be no vote for the higher voting threshold? IOW "I move we purchase donuts for all 2011 business meetings but only if approved by a 2/3 vote."? So if my motion passes 15-14, the motion is adopted, but will not take effect? Would that motion be in order?

Or, at 15-14, is the motion lost?

The rule on p. 31, ll. 31-35, applies here. If the motion is adopted, the assembly has decided to do what the motion proposes; if the motion is rejected, the assembly has decided not to do what the motion proposes.

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What is the process to request a supermajority to pass an action item?

You can either use the motion to Suspend the Rules or the subsidiary motion to Amend to add a proviso, but both procedures have their problems and I would not advise using them. If the assembly believes that it would not be advisable to proceed on an action without the support of a substantial majority, it's probably better to handle the situation by means of the motion to Reconsider.

That's the gist of this tactic though the part about the "two-thirds for action" could be amended out of (or never amended into) the motion by a simple majority before it's voted on.

It can also be amended out of the motion after the fact by means of the motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted.

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The rule on p. 31, ll. 31-35, applies here. If the motion is adopted, the assembly has decided to do what the motion proposes; if the motion is rejected, the assembly has decided not to do what the motion proposes.

And if the motion is passed but by an insufficient margin to authorize the proposed action, then if someone wishes to move to Reconsider, what exactly is considered the "prevailing side"?

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