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Quoting back text - apparent issue.

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It's almost maddening how many guests quote back text then never add anything else underneath the quoted back material. What is it about the current system that causes that....it's truly a daily occurrence. What's confusing them?

The apparent answer is that they click on the "Reply" button, and before adding anything to the text area, then click on the Add Reply button below it, perhaps thinking they have to do that to "Add" their reply. As I will now demonstrate.

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It's almost maddening how many guests quote back text then never add anything else underneath the quoted back material. What is it about the current system that causes that....it's truly a daily occurrence. What's confusing them?

I assumed this was a way of saying, in effect, "Ah, ha! That's what I needed!"

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My suggestion would be to change "Reply" to "Quote" and change "Add Reply" to "Submit". That might help, but I would expect that is a change to be made at the system level by IP Board.

Eliminating the "Add Reply" button would do the trick. I only use it (and rarely) when employing the "multi-quote" feature (which is handy but I could live without it).

The default could also be changed so that the text of the post that is being replied to is not automatically duplicated.

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