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disciplinary action of a Board member


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A non profit Society has a Director that has had bad judment with another board member and at a General Meeting in front of those attending, another inappropriate action was taken. Our new President (first meeting) with some discussion asked for the key for 3 months. Now everyone has an opinion that it has to be done at a general meeting? This is not an expulsion just a disciplinary action right?

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A non profit Society has a Director that has had bad judment with another board member and at a General Meeting in front of those attending, another inappropriate action was taken. Our new President (first meeting) with some discussion asked for the key for 3 months. Now everyone has an opinion that it has to be done at a general meeting? This is not an expulsion just a disciplinary action right?

First, check your bylaws to see what they say. What gives the president the right to ask for the key? Nothing specific means the president does not have the power. For disciplinary action, you need to follow your bylaws and the Chapter XX.

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A non profit Society has a Director that has had bad judgment with another board member and at a General Meeting in front of those attending, another inappropriate action was taken.


Our new President (first meeting) with some discussion asked for the key for 3 months.

What are you talking about?

What key?

A key to what?

He asked for a key? From whom? Why?


Why not 2 months? Why not 4 months?

What is magical about the number three?

Now everyone has an opinion that it has to be done at a general meeting?

You think the asking of a key (?) is to be done inside a meeting?

What difference would it make, if the president asked for the key (a.) BEFORE the meeting, (b.) AFTER the meeting, or (c.) DURING a meeting?

This is not an expulsion just a disciplinary action right?

"Asking for a key," whatever that means, is NOT discipline, and is NOT expulsion.

It is a request for hardware, for a door, a lock, or a box, apparently.

A request for hardware is not a disciplinary action.

I don't know what it is.

And I don't know what your president is going to do with a key for three months, either.

Do you?

What happens when 3 months have passed?

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Hello everyone

the key is to the door of the hall. She is the security person. The President asked for the key a couple of days later.

This is an ongoing problem and with this person and some members are telling us "you are never going to do anything about her"

Our bylaw state an expulsion is done at a general meeting. But we don't really want to expel her, but the other Director has threatened to go to a lawyer if nothing is done. Where does all this fit in with Roberts Rules.

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A non profit Society has a Director that has had bad judment with another board member and at a General Meeting in front of those attending, another inappropriate action was taken. Our new President (first meeting) with some discussion asked for the key for 3 months. Now everyone has an opinion that it has to be done at a general meeting? This is not an expulsion just a disciplinary action right?

No rule in RONR empowers the president to "...ask[] for the key for 3 months." An offense committed during a meeting and requiring immediate action can be handled by the board; other matters should be referred to the general membership assembly.

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Our bylaw state an expulsion is done at a general meeting.

But we don't really want to expel her ...

Where does all this fit in with Roberts Rules?

Q. If you don't want to expel her, then WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?

If you had wanted to suspend her, expel her, or punish her, then we would have pointed you to Chapter XX Section 61 in RONR.

But you don't want to.

Q. What do you want to do?

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Good Question: what do we want to do. She has been spoken to many times and it only lasts until the next function. Yes we have left it too long. When I read chapter 15 discipline,it says left to the parliamentary authority - instead of putting it in the bylaw , may be wise. Please explain parliamentary authority I thought that was Roberts Rules. This lady has been a very big part in saving this historical building. difficult.

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When I read chapter 15 discipline, it says left to the parliamentary authority - instead of putting it in the bylaw, may be wise.

Please explain parliamentary authority I thought that was Roberts Rules.

"Chapter 15"???

Q. What are you reading?

(Chapter 15 in RONR is the chapter on limit/extend debate.)

YOU are supposed to tell US if your parliamentary authority is Robert's Rules of Order, or not.

Someone must read your bylaws.

Someone must find the article fixing the parliamentary authority.

We cannot read your bylaws for you.

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"Chapter 15"???

Q. What are you reading?

(Chapter 15 in RONR is the chapter on limit/extend debate.)

YOU are supposed to tell US if your parliamentary authority is Robert's Rules of Order, or not.

Someone must read your bylaws.

Someone must find the article fixing the parliamentary authority.

We cannot read your bylaws for you.

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Sorry, As a novice I Googled Chapter xx and just kept reading information and found Chapter 15 on discipline. I guess I never got to the heading of that Chapter. I have read our Bylaws, they are basic, but I guess in this time I have been writing to you the discussion has been made to call a meeting with the membership. So I thank you for your knowledge. I just felt frustrated that someone could put us through this with all the work we have done. Again thanks.

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Sorry, As a novice I Googled Chapter xx and just kept reading information and found Chapter 15 on discipline. I guess I never got to the heading of that Chapter. I have read our Bylaws, they are basic, but I guess in this time I have been writing to you the discussion has been made to call a meeting with the membership. So I thank you for your knowledge. I just felt frustrated that someone could put us through this with all the work we have done. Again thanks.

I'm still baffled. Chapter XX. (twenty) in RONR is Discipline. But if you're reading it on line, it's not the current version. As far as I know the only version on line is the 1915 version of ROR. But Chapter 15 in that work is not discipline either.

So please give us the exact title, and copyright date of whatever it is you're referring to.

The questions we answer here are about the current (10th) edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised © 2000--at least until the 11th comes out later this year.

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clever guy that I am I googled chapter 15 discipline and found this:


could be the culprit...

Yep, sure looks like it. And there seems to be no copyright information on that site that I could find.

That's definitely not one of the authorized versions, but rather one of the "paraphrased" versions. The Sample Bylaws refer to:





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Sorry, As a novice I Googled Chapter xx and just kept reading information and found Chapter 15 on discipline. I guess I never got to the heading of that Chapter. I have read our Bylaws, they are basic, but I guess in this time I have been writing to you the discussion has been made to call a meeting with the membership. So I thank you for your knowledge. I just felt frustrated that someone could put us through this with all the work we have done. Again thanks.

If your Bylaws are silent on discipline and RONR is your organization's parliamentary authority, you should thoroughly read RONR, 10th ed., Ch. XX before proceeding with disciplinary action. It is not available online. You will need to get hold of a physical copy of The Right Book.

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Sorry, As a novice I Googled Chapter xx and just kept reading information and found Chapter 15 on discipline. I guess I never got to the heading of that Chapter. I have read our Bylaws, they are basic, but I guess in this time I have been writing to you the discussion has been made to call a meeting with the membership. So I thank you for your knowledge. I just felt frustrated that someone could put us through this with all the work we have done. Again thanks.

If your Bylaws are silent on discipline and RONR is your organization's parliamentary authority, you should thoroughly read RONR, 10th ed., Ch. XX before proceeding with disciplinary action. It is not available online. You will need to get hold of a physical copy of The Right Book.

With regard to your initial question, unless your Bylaws state otherwise, the authority for disciplinary action is reserved for the general membership, and if the rules of RONR are controlling, the full process takes several meetings.

Of course, I'm still not entirely clear on what it is you're trying to do. You've been using the vague term "disciplinary action," which could mean anything from censure to expulsion. You've clarified that you don't mean expulsion, but that doesn't narrow it down much.

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