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Weather Storm Effects on Power/Attendance


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We have a regular meeting scheduled tonight. Thunderstorms have knocked out power to offices, causing delays in workers getting their work load. Normally, workers would get their work load 2 to 3 hours earlier, leaving plenty of time to meet. Tonight, however, this will not be the case.

The quorum is basically "whoever shows up".

This is the meeting that we use to select delegates to go to the state convention.

Can anything be done to fix this? Postpone selecting delegates and call for a special meeting?

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We have a regular meeting scheduled tonight. Thunderstorms have knocked out power to offices, causing delays in workers getting their work load. Normally, workers would get their work load 2 to 3 hours earlier, leaving plenty of time to meet. Tonight, however, this will not be the case.

The quorum is basically "whoever shows up".

Can anything be done to fix this?

Amending the bylaws to have a proper quorum number might do it?

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We have a regular meeting scheduled tonight. Thunderstorms have knocked out power to offices, causing delays in workers getting their work load. Normally, workers would get their work load 2 to 3 hours earlier, leaving plenty of time to meet. Tonight, however, this will not be the case.

The quorum is basically "whoever shows up".

Can anything be done to fix this?

Since your quorum is basically "whoever shows up" (if the bylaws actually say that) business can be validly conducted no matter how few members show up. If the members who show up want to they could Recess the meeting until more members show up or they can set up an Adjourned Meeting for a later date (RONR pp. 222-225, pp. 234-240) but they are under no obligation to do so.

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The quorum is, "Those members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the Unit’s business at any meeting."

Yeah, that's a pretty weak quorum requirement.

If we fixed the time to which to adjourn to next week, would another call have to be sent out or no because it's a continuation of the same meeting?

Technically no, another call is not required because the adjourned meeting is a continuation of the same session. But people will like it if you do.

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The quorum is, "Those members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the Unit’s business at any meeting."

You do realize that that's no quorum requirement at all, right? If one lone member braves the storm and makes it to the meeting, you've got a quorum and business can be conducted. He can, for example, select the delegates to the convention.

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Oh yeah, I realize it's a weak requirement. 2 folks could run the show. Sad thing is, 5% of the membership showing up is a good night. If someone moved to dissolve the organization, that would really turn some heads. That won't happen though.

Membership participation is not the highest, which is why this power issue is such a big deal. It's hard enough to get folks to show up as it is under normal conditions.

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Oh yeah, I realize it's a weak requirement. 2 folks could run the show. Sad thing is, 5% of the membership showing up is a good night. If someone moved to dissolve the organization, that would really turn some heads. That won't happen though.

Membership participation is not the highest, which is why this power issue is such a big deal. It's hard enough to get folks to show up as it is under normal conditions.

So, how'd it go? It was last night, right?

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