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Fire Ban


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I am on the board of directors at a campground. We have had fire bans all around us, so we posted a sign for a fire ban in the campground. The county downgraded it to an advisary, we feel for the safety of our campers 429 we should continue the ban as so far we still have had no rain, we are amoungst Pine trees, (don't take long for them to ignite) Now there are some members fighting us, they don't want the fire ban to continue. My question is is it legal for us to fine them, if they do have a campfire, as we have no rule in that effect. A quick reply would be appreciated..

Thanking you in advance.


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The authorities issued the ban in the first place, they have downgraded it now as an advisory, which means a small contained fire with fire extinguisher on hand also a hose, not to leave unattended at any time. We feel that members drinking or not drinking around a campfire no matter how big or small is not good. The campground has hundreds of Pine trees, which with no rain, very dry, one spark can set off anything, So hence the fire ban in the park as a precaution.

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Where do other campground rules in your organization (things like handling of trash, rules about parking vehicles, quiet hours, stuff like that) come from? Maybe that would give a suggestion on how to handle a rule about fires.

If the campers are members (as I think you stated), a meeting of the members -- perhaps an emergency/special meeting under the circumstances -- could adopt a rule about the fires, even if the board does not have that authority.

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Additionally, what power is given to your board by your members between general meetings? Some boards have the power to conduct business between meetings (business that is allowed by the bylaws, that is), and some don't.

So there's really two questions, from a parliamentary point of view - can your organization make rules such as campfire bans and imposing fines, and can your board make rules like this between general meetings?

As JDStackpole has pointed out, the fire issue is a concern, but the issue for this forum is the parliamentary issue.

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