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Recessing or adjourning a meeting?


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Our meeting agendas include the last topic as new business. During this time, most members

just bitch or complain or go on and on and on... no motions are made, no action is taken.

They just seem to use it a gripe session.

Can you please specifically refer me to the page and text on how RONR would address this?

We have two members on the Executive Board who conduct the meetings and are ready to leave

the room, the Chair and the Recording Secretary. But the other 5/10 members in attendance don't

want to motion to recess or adjourn.

Any advice is appreciated, but any specific details from RONR is preferred.


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John R. No, this meeting is just a general membership meeting, not a "Board" meeting, does that make a difference?

Rev Ed, I think the first part of your suggesstion will help, but I have a question (s) on the second part, the only two people in the

meeting who wish to recess or adjourn is the Chair and the Rec. Secretary, is there a RONR rule that prohibits the Rec Sec.from

making the motion to adjourn or recess and the Chair seconding it and also, don't all motions to recess and adjourn require a

majority vote?

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Unless you're operating under the "small board rules," (which doesn't appear to be the case), discussion is not permitted without a motion before the meeting (RONR [11th ed.], p.34. ll.27-32). So if members are just blabbing without bringing forth a motion, the president should declare the meeting adjourned, as there is no further business (RONR [11th ed.], p.241, ll.9-15).

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The motion to Adourn does require a majority vote, but the president can and should still insist that no debate can occur except on a properly moved and seconded motion.

The chair might inquire, before recognizing someone he suspects merely wishes to complain, "For what purpose does the member seek recognition?" If the member says "I want to make a motion...", fine, if the member says "I want to talk about <blah>", the president can say "Debate is not in order without a motion on the floor."

If nobody wants to make any motion, the chair can say "As there is no further business to come before the <body>, the meeting stands adjourned."

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