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Guest Brenda

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I have a question regarding a women's club of about 80 members.  The by-laws read "Any and all By-laws or amendments adopted by the Board of Directors shall be subject to amendment or repeal by the General Board members".  In this case, Board of Directors is President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer.  General Board is about 15 activity chairpersons.  So the way this is written, does this mean that club members do not get to vote on anything unless they are an activity Chairperson (General Board), or on the Board of Directors?  And what does "subject to..." mean?  Does it mean the General Board doesn't vote on by-laws unless they disagree with something and bring it to the BOD's attention?  Thank you in advance.

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We can't properly interpret your bylaws without reading them in their entirety and that's beyond the scope of this forum.


But it doesn't look like your general membership can't vote on anything, it just (unfortunately) doesn't appear to have the authority to amend the bylaws.


And you might want to consider renaming your "Board of Directors" to "Executive Committee" and renaming your "General Board" to "Board of Directors". Having two "boards" can be confusing, no?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our Strata just had our AGM.  The council presented 10 new rules to be ratified. Discussion was held on some, but not all. Some were never even read out loud. When it came time fit the vote I fully expected to vote on each one individually. But no , we had to vote on all 10 rules as a package. Is this even close to being proper. I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you, Lois

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Our Strata just had our AGM.  The council presented 10 new rules to be ratified. Discussion was held on some, but not all. Some were never even read out loud. When it came time fit the vote I fully expected to vote on each one individually. But no , we had to vote on all 10 rules as a package. Is this even close to being proper. I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you, Lois


If these rules were independent of each other you could have demanded that any one or more of them, or even all of them, be considered separately, but if you didn't do that at the time I'm afraid it's too late to complain about it now.

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Thank you for the feedback. I did question the process and more or less was told to sit down. I could vote yes, no, or abstain, but the unrelated rules were going  be voted on as a package. Next year I will go armed with procedure write ups. Thanks

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