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Title of distributed minutes


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Does Robert's Rules state anywhere what the title of correct and approved condo board minutes should be? Should it be 'Approved' or can it be 'Posted'.


No, RONR does not go into such details. The minutes become the minutes when they are approved.


Note that when the minutes are approved, the word Approved, with the secretary's initials and the date, should be written below them.

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If your previous post is accurate, your "posted" minutes have things blacked out, so they are not a correct copy of the approved minutes.  As such they are not official records at all, and can be called anything you like.


Just be sure that you keep a true and correct copy of the actual minutes in your records.

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Does Robert's Rules state anywhere what the title of correct and approved condo board minutes should be? Should it be 'Approved' or can it be 'Posted'.

Your title refers to "distributed minutes" and your post refers to "correct and approved condo board" minutes. Based on your previous post, these seem to be (or should be) two different things.

It would appear that what your board distributes is certainly not the minutes, since some information is redacted or removed. RONR simply refers to "correct and approved" minutes as "the minutes." I certainly hope that the board approves a complete and accurate copy of the minutes for its own records, including for meetings held in executive session (or "in camera").

RONR does not have a name for a document which, while based on the minutes, contains only some of the information. Personally, I think it is misleading to call such a document "minutes" at all. I'd think of something else, like "meeting summary" or "board report" or whatever.

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