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Elected Positions - no one ran


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I agree with Hieu.  In addition,  depending on the wording in your bylaws (and any state corporation statutes you may be subject to), it might be that the current president officer continues to serve until such time as his successor is elected.  Check the language in your bylaws.


Edited to change "president" to "officer".

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Perhaps "officer" instead of "president"?


I agree with Hieu.  In addition,  depending on the wording in your bylaws (and any state corporation statutes you may be subject to), it might be that the current president officer continues to serve until such time as his successor is elected.  Check the language in your bylaws.

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If no one runs for an elected position can the president appoint that position without bringing it back to the body to hold a special election?

Not according to RONR.   If nobody "runs" you can still hold an election.  Just pass out blank sheets of paper, and have people write in a name.  Anyone who appears on a majority of non-blank returned ballots is elected.  You might need to hold ballot (after ballot (after ballot...)), but eventually someone will be elected.  


Unfortunately, once elected they may decline, but you'd be surprised how often someone who did not volunteer would still agree to serve if elected.

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