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affected date of motions that are passed

Guest charles knappA

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There is some who feel motions that are passed with no effected date do not take effect until the minutes of the meeting are accepted where the motion passed.  Any thoughts??/


A motion takes effect immediately upon its adoption, unless it contains a proviso delaying its effect.  The minutes are record of what happened, not an authorization for something to happen.

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There is some who feel motions that are passed with no effected date do not take effect until the minutes of the meeting are accepted where the motion passed.  Any thoughts??/

I agree completely with George Mervosh's answer in post # 2 about the minutes being only a record of what happened, but want to add that per RONR, the minutes should be "APPROVED", not "accepted".  See pages 354-355.  "  RONR refers repeatedly to "approving" the minutes, but not once to "accepting" the minutes. 

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