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Open Ended Agenda Items

Guest James Roberts

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Guest James Roberts

In a recent township special meeting, the agenda contained two business items: [1] Discussion of XYZ Proposal, and [2] Any Other Business to come before the board.


While I understand that open ended agenda items such as "Any Other Business" are allowable during regular meetings where the public expects "other" issues, is this allowed in specially called meetings?

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While I understand that open ended agenda items such as "Any Other Business" are allowable during regular meetings where the public expects "other" issues, is this allowed in specially called meetings?


Per RONR, special meetings can only consider the business that was included in the notice (the "call") of the meeting. Special meetings are called to consider business that can't wait until the next regular meeting or to devote the entirety of a meeting to specific questions. I don't think "any other business" qualifies.


As a municipal body, your rules may, and probably do, vary.

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Regarding a special meeting, RONR says:


"Notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, clearly and specifically describing the subject matter of the motions or items of business to be brought up, must be sent to all members a reasonable number of days in advance." (RONR 11th ed., p. 91, ll. 31-35)


"Any Other Business" does not fit RONR's description of "clearly and specifically".

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