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Is a vote necessary?

Guest Madalyn Teal

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A group I belong to has been asked to participate in a veterans' event.  The executive board discussed the event and thought it would be good to participate, but that no one was required to do so.  Is it necessary for the entire group to vote on the participation?  No money is required for participation.  

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The executive board discussed the event and thought it would be good to participate, but that no one was required to do so.

Did the board adopt a motion?


Absent unanimous consent (aka "without objection") voting is how groups make decisions. 


Individual members are free to participate but if the organization wants to participate then the organization must decide to do so. And it does so by adopting a motion to do so. And that often involves voting.

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If the organization wants to officially be a participant in the event or to allow members to participate in the name of the organization, then the matter of the organization's participation should be formally approved by the appropriate body....most likely either the general membership or its board.  The resolution (motion) to participate can also specify that participation by individual members is voluntary.

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A group I belong to has been asked to participate in a veterans' event.  The executive board discussed the event and thought it would be good to participate, but that no one was required to do so.  Is it necessary for the entire group to vote on the participation?  No money is required for participation.  


Yes, the board adopted a motion.   Thank you for your wise input.  


"A society has no executive board, nor can its officers act as a board, except as the bylaws may provide; and when so established, the board has only such power as is delegated to it by the bylaws or by vote of the society's assembly referring individual matters to it." (RONR, 11th ed., p. 482, emphasis supplied)


The question as to whether or not your board can obligate your group to participate in such an event depends upon your own rules, not upon any rules in RONR.

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