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Time Limits

Guest Robert Greenhalgh

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Guest Robert Greenhalgh
Thank you in advance for taking time with this question.
Are there time limits imposed by Robert's Rules on 1) officer reports, 2) unfinished business, 3) new business items 4) funding requests by third party organizations?
If there are rules regarding these, is it possible to point the appropriate section?


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Thank you in advance for taking time with this question.
Are there time limits imposed by Robert's Rules on 1) officer reports, 2) unfinished business, 3) new business items 4) funding requests by third party organizations?
If there are rules regarding these, is it possible to point the appropriate section?



No, there are no rules in RONR regarding time limits on those items.  During debate, however, members are limited to two speeches of ten minutes each.  That might come into play when debating a motion to fund something.

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Are there time limits imposed by Robert's Rules on 1) officer reports, 2) unfinished business, 3) new business items 4) funding requests by third party organizations?

If there are rules regarding these, is it possible to point the appropriate section?

When a motion is pending (which might arise under any of these), members are limited to speaking twice for up to ten minutes each time. RONR does not impose a time limit on officer reports. The assembly may impose its own limit if it wishes to do so. "Funding requests by third party organizations" suggests that a non-member is speaking. Non-members have no right to speak at all unless permitted to do so by the assembly, and if the assembly permits the non-member to speak at all, it is free to limit how long they may speak.

In the 11th edition, Rules Governing Debate are discussed thoroughly in Section 43.

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