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Resolutions Policy

Guest Dee Kramer

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31 minutes ago, Guest Dee Kramer said:

Can anyone direct me to a sample policy with regards to resolutions? (e.g. what is/is not appropriate subject matter for resolutions etc.)

Resolutions are just motions that are usually submitted in writing, contain a preamble (the "whereas" clauses), and are often  bit more complex than ordinary motions.  They are a bit more formal than ordinary motions.  RONR probably doesn't  go into as much detail as you would like, but it does discuss resolutions in several places, primarily on pages 33, 100 and 105 of the 11th edition.

As Mr. Huynh said, it is ultimately up to your organization (and the sponsor of the motion/resolution to determine whether to propose it as a regular motion or as a more formal resolution.  There are no hard and fast rules.

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Just now, Shmuel Gerber said:

You've got to be kidding. :)

No, but I figured somebody would have something to say about my answer.  Perhaps I could have worded it a bit differently.  I think what Guest Dee is looking for is something with, say, more examples of situations where a resolution might be more appropriate than an ordinary motion and perhaps more examples of resolutions.  I think RONR goes more into the mechanics of resolutions. I agree that it actually says a fair amount about resolutions (as evidenced by the three page references I gave her), but I suspect it isn't exactly what Guest Dee is looking for.  Perhaps it is.  We don't know, do we?  :)

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There are dozens of examples of resolutions in RONR, hundreds of mentions of the word "resolution," a nearly five-page subsection devoted to resolutions, rules relating to the reading of resolutions, rules relating to a resolutions committee, etc., etc. If RONR had ears, it would have resolutions falling out of them. :)

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13 hours ago, Guest Dee Kramer said:

Can anyone direct me to a sample policy with regards to resolutions? (e.g. what is/is not appropriate subject matter for resolutions etc.)

Ordinarily, resolutions (i.e., motions) must not be in conflict with the objectives of the organization as stated in the bylaws, and conform to any other restrictions explicitly placed in the bylaws.

I don't think you can restrict the subject matter more tightly than that with a "policy".

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