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interim board members

Guest ken

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31 minutes ago, Ken said:

But they were not voted into office and the interim label was put on them by the president

If the bylaws do not authorize the president to do this, then they are no more "interim members" than if I named them "exalted smarty-pants".  

In fact, (why not?) I do hereby name them exalted smarty-pants.   Have you noticed any change?  Me neither.  :-)  

Any classes of members, be they I.M., or I.S.P, must be in your bylaws or that sort of member does not exist.


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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner
2 hours ago, Ken said:

As far as I can see, there is not anything mentioned in the by-laws about interim board members. We have voting members and associate members which have no voting rights.

It's possible the interim members were appointed to fill vacancies. What do your bylaws say about filling vacant board positions?

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My guess, like that of our dinner guest, is that those members are called interim members because they were selected to fill a vacancy. Your president can refer to them any wsy he wants to. If they are board members - interim or otherwise - they are entitled to vote unless they are completing the term of a non voting associate member. 


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I think that the question has been answered. The interims may vote. How about this ....  ARTICLE ELEVEN -DUES The dues of the Western New York Corvette Club shall be $36.00 per year for an individual for Full Membership or for an Associate Membership. New members’ dues who join after September will be $36 and will get credit for 3 remaining months plus 12 months in the next coming year. All new members will pay a $20 initiation fee. Dues shall be due and payable during the month of January. Failure to meet your monetary obligation to the club will result in your being dropped from the membership rolls of the club on February 1st. Reinstatement would come only by rejoining the club.  Can the board extend this bylaw?

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26 minutes ago, Ken said:

Can the board extend this bylaw?

What, you mean something like --

27 minutes ago, Ken said:

Failure to meet your monetary obligation to the club will result in your being dropped from the membership rolls of the club on February 1st , and speaking of dues, interim board members have the right to vote

-- is that it?

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29 minutes ago, Ken said:

Can the board extend this bylaw?

If the board has the authority -- in the bylaws themselves, or some higher document*-- to amend the bylaws, then, sure, of course.  If not, then well, sometimes I just can't believe what my eyes are hearing.


*Higher documents are printed on hemp paper.

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The bylaw reads.... 1. Any change or addition to the present By-laws shall be submitted to the Board of Directors, put in the newsletter or in a special mailing, and voted on at business meeting immediately following newsletter publication. 2. These By-laws may be altered, amended, repealed or added to by an affirmative vote of not less than 2/3 of those present at a meeting. A

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On 2/2/2017 at 2:53 PM, Guest ken said:

Our board has 3 interim members.

As interim, are they allowed to vote with the other board members?


4 hours ago, Ken said:

The interims may vote.

I'd still like to see if the original poster can support this unexpected assertion:

   (a.) that there do exist such things as interim members of a board.

   (b.) that interim members of a board are empowered to vote.

Certainly, Robert's Rules of Order holds no text to support this assertion.


But they were not voted into office.

And the interim label was put on them by the president

• The interim board members (!?) were not voted into office?

• The "interim" label was put upon them by the president?

And now you think "interim members of the board" can vote?

Q. How did you come to this conclusion? What rule? What process?


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4 minutes ago, Ken said:

Kim...Are you saying that the (interim) members cannot vote?

I think that what everyone has been telling you is that, since your bylaws make no mention of "interim members" of your board, there is no such thing as an interim member of your board.

Are you sure that this term is not being used simply to describe board members who have been elected or appointed to fill vacancies on the board occurring between membership meetings?

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Ken, exactly how.did these interim members become board members in the first place?

Forgot the "interim" label right now. How did they get on the board? 

They either are board members or they aren't, regardless of the interim label. We don't know if they are really board members and your president just labeled them as interim numbers or if he personally,  acting alone, created some new class of board members who never were properly put on the board.

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 Three of the board members that were elected, for one reason or another resigned . As far as I know, the president appointed the 3 members to the positions. He is the one that called them interim. Also, the one that took the secretary position was actually voted into that position at election time. Then 3 days later sent in her resignation. Now the president appointed her as secretary. Should say interim secretary.

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2 minutes ago, Ken said:

 Three of the board members that were elected, for one reason or another resigned . As far as I know, the president appointed the 3 members to the positions. He is the one that called them interim. Also, the one that took the secretary position was actually voted into that position at election time. Then 3 days later sent in her resignation. Now the president appointed her as secretary. Should say interim secretary.

Very well, then Mr. Brown answered your question quite some time ago when he posted this:

"My guess, like that of our dinner guest, is that those members are called interim members because they were selected to fill a vacancy. Your president can refer to them any wsy he wants to. If they are board members - interim or otherwise - they are entitled to vote unless they are completing the term of a non voting associate member."

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9 minutes ago, Ken said:

 Three of the board members that were elected, for one reason or another resigned . As far as I know, the president appointed the 3 members to the positions. He is the one that called them interim. 

Ad far as you know, the president appointed them to the board ??

That's not good enough. We need to know exactly how they became members of the board. If the president did appoint them, do the bylaws give him that Authority? That would be unusual. Usually, vacancies are filled by either the general membership or the board, not by the president acting alone. What, EXACTLY, do your bylaws say about filling vacancies?

I'm not at all convinced yet that these three members were validly appointed to the board.

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7. If an elected officer or Board member resigns or otherwise is unable to fulfill his/her position responsibilities, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint a successor to serve out the term of that officer or Board member. They shall also have the authority to leave the position vacant until the next general election.

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12 minutes ago, Ken said:

7. If an elected officer or Board member resigns or otherwise is unable to fulfill his/her position responsibilities, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint a successor to serve out the term of that officer or Board member. They shall also have the authority to leave the position vacant until the next general election.

Then that is your answer. If the board selected them, they are legitimate numbers and may vote regardless of whatever title the president wants to give them. However, if the president appointed them without board approval, they are not board members and may not vote regardless of whatever title the president wants to give them

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