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Robert's Rules & Past practice


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Good day. Hope this will not be too confusing. Our organization has, over the past 6 years, has allowed for a person from our "sister organization" of retired members to be appointed to our Board. It states in our bylaws that"one of the Directors shall be elected from the Retired membership"...At the time of this addition to our bylaws it was "understood" by all that the "Retired membership" meant our sister organization. Now there are some who are not happy with that interpretation and are attempting to argue that there should be "a special election only for retirees (who are not members of our sister organization) but retired members of our main organization. Just an FYI, we recently had elections for offices and notices along with letters of intent were mailed to ALL members, including the aforementioned retirees (who are not members of our sister organization) but retired members of our main organization). Only ONE submitted their letter of intent. 1.  There is nothing in our bylaws relative to a special election "unless there are vacancies that must be filled within 90 days after the election". We have 5 one year seats, 2 two year seats, one 3 year seat, and one 2 year seat reserved for a past President, if he/she did not run (again) or win the new election. Our bylaws state the Board is to be comprised of 9 seats (the tenth from the Retired members (sister organization)  2.  Based upon the "past practice" can I fight this attempt of the few who are attempting to change things for their own personal gain?  Thanks in advance.

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On 2/6/2017 at 2:46 PM, Quietstorm said:

5 one year seats, 2 two year seats, one 3 year seat, and one [conditional -- emphasis mine -- I mean Gary's "mine", not Firestorm's "mine

I mean I wrote "conditional," not -- spik it, just finish the sentence] 2 year seat

How do you fit 5 + 2 + 3 and maybe (hence "conditional," but let's not go back there) another IPP, onto a nine-seat board?

(Not that the issue hinges on this.)

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