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Rules for New Term of Director

Rocco Tricarico

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6 hours ago, Rocco Tricarico said:

Upon completion of a Directors Term of Service, can the Director, as a matter of right, select to serve a new term?

What is the Section and Paragraph with RR that shows rules?


I'm not sure I understand your question. Any term limits would have to be in your bylaws. If your bylaws do not impose term limits, then any officer may run for as many additional terms as he wants to. Getting elected is a different matter. :)

Edited to add: Robert's Rules does not impose any kind of term limits.

Edited by Richard Brown
Added last paragraph
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1 hour ago, Richard Brown said:

I'm not sure I understand your question. Any term limits would have to be in your bylaws. If your bylaws do not impose term limits, then any officer may run for as many additional terms as he wants to. Getting elected is a different matter. :)


The question seems, to me anyway, to ask if the director can just decide to serve a second term without being reelected.  In that case, the answer is no.  

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3 hours ago, Joshua Katz said:

The question seems, to me anyway, to ask if the director can just decide to serve a second term without being reelected.  In that case, the answer is no.  

If that's what the question is, then I agree. I'm really not sure what the original poster was asking.

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