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Motion or agenda change for a roll call vote

Guest Matt A

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14 minutes ago, Guest Matt A said:

I would like to require a roll call vote on all items brought forward for our delegates to vote on. When would this type action be brought up? As an agenda change or motion? 

If this is a convention of delegates and it's not a part of the proposed standing rules, you can make a motion to add such a rule.  See RONR (11th ed.), pp. 619-620.

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3 hours ago, Guest Matt A said:

I would like to require a roll call vote on all items brought forward for our delegates to vote on. When would this type action be brought up? As an agenda change or motion? 

I concur with Mr. Mervosh, although I would question whether it is advisable to require a roll call vote on all items. Rules of this nature are generally limited in some manner, such as by limiting the types of motions the rule applies to, or by requiring a roll call vote only if requested by a certain number of members (such as 1/5 of the members present).

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To (mis -?) quote J.C. Borda when he was confronted by someone pointing out how to "game" his weighted voting system:  "My system is for the use of honorable men."

If that doesn't work for you, separate the non-voters from the voting delegates in the meeting hall, and vote by show of hands, or standing.  Unless votes are really close that will be reliable and go a lot faster than roll-call.

Edited by jstackpo
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1 hour ago, Guest Matt A said:

Our problem is similar to others in that some attendees are not voting delegates. With a voice vote the opposition can create as much or more noise in the yay  or nay of the question. 

The purpose of a roll call vote is not really to ensure accuracy. While it may serve that purpose, there are other, less time-consuming methods to achieve that goal (such as those suggested by my colleagues). The purpose of a roll call vote is to force members in an assembly with an interested constituency to go on record with their vote.

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4 minutes ago, Guest Matt A said:

When would I ask to have a card rule added? At the announcement of the agenda, under new business? 

If this is a convention of delegates, the best time would still be during consideration of the convention standing rules. It would also be in order to make such a motion during new business.

It is not in order to adopt rules during consideration of the agenda. The agenda merely establishes the order in which the assembly shall consider its business and, if desired, specific times for particular items of business.

Edited by Josh Martin
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