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board stealing club money

Guest joe

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our private club use to b in great financial standing and very busy and family oriented....since , The the president and treasure(wife), have been stealing funds and now memebers quit going...and finacially is in ruin state! according to by-laws, there r no reprucussions for this mishandleing of said funds! how can I take the floor and and use what rule and get a second to have all monies, n

bank accounts...taken from them and turned over to appointed members to oversee and take control until establishment is up to par? 

how do i file a grievance against member who refuses other members to participate in community functions?.....

basically our board has changed hands last 6 times due to theft and it has to stop, HELP

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The grievance process as it exists in RONR is a bit complicated. It's in chapter XX of the 11th edition. I'd recommend reading it thoroughly.

You should also look at FAQ #20, which discusses another way of getting rid of officers before their term is up.

Edited by Benjamin Geiger
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Benjamin Geiger, wow hard read but let me ask some questions more specific please.

Our president at club got his position via past president theft and same prior....

yet the club was not in the red but now is...

!. board took upon themselves to create a discrecionary fund for now president to get paid under the table because he is on disabibility...is this legal?

2.the president made new rule that all smokers pay $1 per visit for smoking and making big bucks off members and money does not exist in any account..

3. our president's wife is the treasurer and seems to b a conflict of intrest and her n him r the only ones who see or know of all finances and hide other monies or is stolen...is there something to require more than them 2 to over see all monies n reciepts...and esp since club is in finacial trouble?

4 can the president just make decision to have a horse race person come in and pay him $650 to do whatever bs to sell horse race , like nascar...at club without a vote and kepp $70 of every $100 sold and where is this money they proceed from, like 50/50 tickets...why would a president b allowed to spend money at will when club is in the red....

basically, he is a crackhead/meth user and is stealing money and wife hides it and ,paying himself under the table via a discrecionary fund, is verbally abusive and out of control and members refuse to go back until he n her r gone...and i want as well as others our club back and with good reputation again for us and community


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11 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

Our president at club got his position via past president theft and same prior....


I would reconsider whether this club should exist.

13 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

!. board took upon themselves to create a discrecionary fund for now president to get paid under the table because he is on disabibility...is this legal?



The board, so far as parliamentary procedure is concerned, has those powers given to it in the bylaws. Did the board have the authority to do this? We cannot give legal advice; for that, you need to ask an attorney.

11 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

2.the president made new rule that all smokers pay $1 per visit for smoking and making big bucks off members and money does not exist in any account..


Did the President have the authority to make such a rule?

12 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

 3. our president's wife is the treasurer and seems to b a conflict of intrest and her n him r the only ones who see or know of all finances and hide other monies or is stolen...is there something to require more than them 2 to over see all monies n reciepts...and esp since club is in finacial trouble?


There is no conflict, so far as RONR is concerned, where a husband/wife team are President/Treasurer. If an organization is uncomfortable with it (or frequently has its Presidents stealing) the organization can make a rule to prohibit it, but it would need to be in the bylaws since it is a qualification for office, of sorts.

13 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

 4 can the president just make decision to have a horse race person come in and pay him $650 to do whatever bs to sell horse race , like nascar...at club without a vote and kepp $70 of every $100 sold and where is this money they proceed from, like 50/50 tickets...why would a president b allowed to spend money at will when club is in the red....


The President, like the board, has such powers as the bylaws give him. I don't quite understand the transaction, but it is a bylaws question whether the President can enter into it, in any case. 

15 minutes ago, Guest Joe said:

 basically, he is a crackhead/meth user and is stealing money and wife hides it and ,paying himself under the table via a discrecionary fund, is verbally abusive and out of control and members refuse to go back until he n her r gone...and i want as well as others our club back and with good reputation again for us and community


Well, I am not part of your club, and this is just personal grievances, there's no parliamentary question here for me to answer. That said, if the organization wants a different President, it can wait until the elections, it can use the disciplinary process, or, if language about "until successors are elected" appears in the term of office language in the bylaws (does it?) it might be able to replace the President earlier. Members not attending meetings, though, will not achieve much (other than, perhaps, denying quorum, which also doesn't achieve much).

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Guest Joe, you are asking several questions which don't touch on parliamentary procedure. You are making several accusations and you may wish to speak to a lawyer or the police  about those. You may also have recourse to the disciplinary procedures as was mentioned in a  earlier reply. The disciplinary process in Chapter XX is very detailed and a hard read because, I presume, of the need to procedurally protect people's rights.

Respondong to your points as best I can:

1) I don't know if it's legal. Whether it was within the board's authority is determined by your organization's bylaws, which only your organization can interpret;

2) assuming your question is: Does the president have the authority to do that? See answer 1;

3) normally the treasurer should report to the board and membership meetings. Questions could be asked following the report. Specific duties of the treasurer should be within your bylaws or Rules of Order or Standing Rules. If all are silent, then refer to page 461;

4) see answer 2.

Edited by Atul Kapur
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15 hours ago, Chris Harrison said:

Also, if the members were so inclined they could call the police on the people who have stolen the Club's funds.

our by laws given to us are vauge! basically states board position and description, objective and purposes, how to become a member, election time...example, election time, our by laws do not state u need 6 meetings in that said year to run, so at nomination time no one could run against because of only 4 meetings but has many years and many meetings in as they were running position of all holiday... for children of members family..so yes our by laws r to vauge to include a wether or not the presidentcan make these kinds of decisions

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If your bylaws are vague, then your organization is the body that determines their meaning.

If you think that a decision of the president is incorrect, you stand and raise a Point of Order. If the president rules against your point, then you can Appeal. 

The process of doing that is in Chapter 11 of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief.

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