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Salary in the motion

Guest Lisa

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This is the motion that is being placed in form of the board tonight .... some are saying the salary should not be listed some are saying it should . 
Some things to know the salary is with in then budget which was approved by the board for the  fiscal year . The exc committee  has approved the salary 
so so should the salary be listed ? 
Does the. Lard need to approve the person or just give the ex committee permission to hire someone ?? 
Or ??? 
Please advise 
Whereas the Philharmonic Executive Director vacated the position in March 2018, and
Whereas the Board of Directors has not launched a search process to replace the position, and
Whereas the job description for the Director of Operations includes “Director of Operations will act as the Executive Director in his/her absence”, and
Whereas it is necessary to provide a stable administrative environment for the staff,
It is resolved to promote the Director of Operations, **************, to the position of Acting Executive Director at the salary of $65,000 per annum effective 1 December 2018.
Edited by Daniel H. Honemann
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If the board has already approved the salary, it doesn't need to do so again. If it has only authorized a generality, such as "up to $100k on total compensation for all employees," then it needs to specify what the new hire will be paid. I think I would have more questions about the rest of the motion - if the bylaws say the DoO is the acting ED, then the DoO is the acting ED and there's no need for a motion to make it happen - perhaps only one adjusting pay is needed, unless the board has given someone (perhaps the ED) authority over wages. In short, there's too much going on here that is intertwined with the rest of your structure for an answer that is more than a generality, in my opinion.

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

I presume the Executive Committee does not have the authority to enact this motion without the approval of the board. If so, then whatever the motion purports to do should be included. If the board's approval to offer a specific salary is required, then the figure should certainly be in the motion. Now, if you are asking whether approval of the specific amount is required, that is entirely up to the rules and circumstances of your organization.

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10 minutes ago, Guest Lisa said:

is there here a way to edit 

Unfortunately not, when you sign on as a "Guest"  Try signing up as a member (painless!) and the see if you can go back and edit.  Otherwise contact the admin(s) of the page  -- they can delete, but then you will have to repost.

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I would be surprised if the board, when they approve the budget, approved a salary for the acting executive director. They may have approved the salary for the executive director, but that is not the position to which this person is being appointed. Therefore, I believe the clarity of specifying the salary is a good thing as it will avoid confusion or arguments in the future. I see that the executive committee has already approved the salary, but it's not clear to me that they have the authority to make this decision rather than the full board.

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It seems to me that whatever salaries are approved should be specifically noted in the minutes, otherwise there is no official record of what the official salaries are supposed to be. The usual way of doing that is to specify the salary in a motion. I do not believe that just specifying a range is sufficient or that a statement that the salary is within the amount budgeted is sufficient. The actual salary needs to be noted somewhere, even if it is only in the contract of employment.

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