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Guest Susie

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A board member may make motions during board meetings, yes. Non-board members may not. As to when, it depends on the motion. If you mean an original main motion, then only when no other business is pending and, if an agenda has been adopted, at the appropriate time on the agenda (or via a motion to suspend the rules). If not, then original main motions may be made at the appropriate times in the standard order of business - after a committee report if they arise from it, during new business if they are new business, etc.

If you can clarify your question further, we might be able to be of further assistance.

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6 minutes ago, Guest Susie said:

Can a member move a motion any time during a Board Meeting

Agreeing with Mr. Katz, who posted about the same thing I was about to post, if you can give us more information, we can probably be a bit more helpful.  As you probably see from the response by Mr. Katz, the only answer we can give you right now is, "it depends".

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In some instances an organization may have an order of business and whenever a class of business is announced then motions fitting the specific class are in order. Some organizations adopt agendas at the start of a meeting indicating specifically which subjects they wish to consider. Some organizations have no particular order of business so any subject may be introduced at any time. It runs the gamut depending on the organization. Why do you think this is a problem and if you had your druthers what would you like to see happen?

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Guest Susie/Guest Motions...  I saw your other question which Don Honemann responded to.  For the future, it is best if you stick with one thread for your question.  You can answers our questions and clear up any misunderstandings without having to start a new thread.  It is much easier for us to follow and to respond to you that way. :)

Edited by Richard Brown
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Wow  -  parliamentarians will even argue about titles?  LOL   Oh you guys......


so I wanted to know if I can move a motion under "Information and Inquiries" on the Agenda where board members may raise questions or provide information and the items raised shall respect confidentiality of individuals.  It does not say in the By-laws that we cannot introduce Motions under this Agenda Item.  It is listed last on the Agenda just before adjournment all other business has been dealt with..  This Agenda item is where the politicians can publically state that they went here or there and attended this or that.  Total grandstanding and nothing to do with Business of the Board at this point.  I wish to introduce a Motion pertaining to the Budget process.

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