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When Treasurer resigns, who takes over?


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59 minutes ago, Nan_P2950 said:


We have a treasurer who wants to resign.  When he submits the resignation letter.  Who takes his place?  We have nothing in our bylaws stating what happens when the treasurer resigns...  

Whoever is elected to fill the vacancy. In RONR, there is no automatic succession for the position of treasurer.

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3 hours ago, Nan_P2950 said:


We have a treasurer who wants to resign.  When he submits the resignation letter.  Who takes his place?  We have nothing in our bylaws stating what happens when the treasurer resigns...  

I agree with the previous responses but will add that if for some reason there must be a delay before a new Treasurer can be selected, the organization or perhaps it's board may authorize someone to temporarily carry on at least some of the duties of the treasurer, such as writing checks and making deposits and keeping the check register current. This person would essentially have some or maybe even all of the duties of the treasurer, but would not actually be the treasurer and would not be considered an officer.

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You will need to read the By-laws about filling a vacancy.  If there are no provisions then you need to hold a meeting to elect someone to fill the vacancy.

If there are no provisions in the By-laws, then it is time to consider making the necessary changes.  For example, the By-laws could read that "With the exception of the Officer of President, if a director or officer position becomes vacant due to death, resignation, or removal of office, the Board shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.  Should the position of President become vacant, the Vice President shall become the President." 

I would also suggest that the Board create a policy whereby the Secretary, or another Board member, will automatically take over any duties of the Treasurer on a temporary basis between the time of the Treasurer's position becoming vacant and someone filling the position.

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