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How to show a refused nomination in the minutes

Geoff Ball

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We had our annual elections last month. The former vice-chair was not present at the meeting but was nominated for the position again. He stood uncontested and the group carried the motion for his election. He had not indicated prior to the meeting that he was interested in the position again. After the meeting, he declined the position. I'm now curious how this should be reflected in the minutes. Should it show the motion was carried? Should there be any sort of caveat added after?


Edited by geoff
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The minutes of the meeting in question will reflect the election results for this office as well as the others, although I suppose a parenthetical note should be added that he as was absent and did not consent to his candidacy.  The reason for doing so, in my view, is based on the facts you provided and due the following rule in RONR:

" An election to an office becomes final immediately if the candidate is present and does not decline, or if he is absent but has consented to his candidacy. If he is absent and has not consented to his candidacy, the election becomes final when he is notified of his election, provided that he does not immediately decline. If he does decline, the election is incomplete, and another vote can be taken immediately or at the next meeting without further notice."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 444

At the next meeting, the results of the completed election will be entered to those minutes.

Edited by George Mervosh
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3 hours ago, Rob Elsman said:

the secretary should have sent the winner a written notice of his election

Why does it have to be in writing? The referenced portion of RONR states "To notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election or appointment,"  I don't read in there that it has to be written.

In fact, Mr. Mervosh's quotation states that the absent member can be notified and decline in time for the election to be completed at the same meeting. This strongly implies that it does not have to be in writing, if it is all done quickly enough that the election can be completed at the same meeting.

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