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bringing up a new motion while the business of an existing motion is not completed

Guest Cesar Levy

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13 minutes ago, Guest Cesar Levy said:

Under Roberts' rules of order can a new motion be brought up for a vote while the business of an existing motion is still on the table?

If you are referring to main motions and "still on the table" means one is currently being considered, then no, two main motions may not be considered at the same time.  RONR (12th ed.), 5:4 and 25:9.

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14 hours ago, Guest Cesar Levy said:

Under Roberts' rules of order can a new motion be brought up for a vote while the business of an existing motion is still on the table?

Assuming that "on the table" means "on the floor":

Yes, but something has to happen to the existing motion, such as:

- laying it on the table;

- postponing it to a certain time;

- interrupting it by raising a question of privilege or calling for the orders of the day

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What everyone is saying is that it really depends on the nature of the "new motion."  If it's a completely different subject which is another main motion, then no.

But there are other types of motions besides main motions, and some of those can be moved while a main motion is still pending, and they are voted on before the main motion is voted on.  For example:  amendments to the pending motion, postponing the pending motion, referring the pending motion to a committee, raising a point of order, laying the pending motion on the table so that another urgent item can be taken up instead, etc.

We could answer the question in a less wordy way if you were to describe the general nature of the "existing motion" as well as the "new motion."

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