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Amend a motion

Guest Matt

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The original motion in question can be amended or rescinded only if the item has not already been purchased.

Well, I think a society can vote to return an item for a refund if the merchant from whom it was purchased allows such returns.  I think it depends on the circumstances of the particular purchase.  That might well be a different motion from a motion to amend or rescind something previously adopted. 


I can envision a motion along the lines of, "I move that we return the printer for a refund if the merchant will allow it."


Edited to add:  I'm not disagreeing with Mr. Lages.... in fact, I agree with him.  I'm just pointing out that an item already purchased can possibly be returned, but it is too late to use the motion to rescind or amend something previously adopted.  It would take a different motion.

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Must a motion to amend or rescind something previously adopted be made only by someone who voted for the majority of the previously adopted?


That restriction applies to the motion to Reconsider. It can only be made by someone who voted on the prevailing side (that is, in favor if it was adopted and against if it was defeated). There are also time constraints.


Any member may make a motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted (ASPA).

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