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Role of Past-President

Guest Fay Denny

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The Past-President in our organization has always been a member of our Executive Committee which is made up of elected officers.  A question was raised about the ability of the Past-President to make motions, second motions, to vote, and to be counted as part of the quorum.   Our Bylaws do not specify anything for the role of the Past-President.   Question 1 - doesn't the Past-President have all the same privileges as the other members of the Board?  Question 2 - Do we need to modify our Bylaws to include these duties under the heading of the Past-President?


Thank you.

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The Past-President in our organization has always been a member of our Executive Committee which is made up of elected officers.  A question was raised about the ability of the Past-President to make motions, second motions, to vote, and to be counted as part of the quorum.   Our Bylaws do not specify anything for the role of the Past-President.   Question 1 - doesn't the Past-President have all the same privileges as the other members of the Board?  Question 2 - Do we need to modify our Bylaws to include these duties under the heading of the Past-President?


Thank you.


Do the bylaws as written right now, make him a member of the executive committee or is this some custom of your organization?

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Question 1 - doesn't the Past-President have all the same privileges as the other members of the Board?  Question 2 - Do we need to modify our Bylaws to include these duties under the heading of the Past-President?


Answer 1 - Only if your (immediate) past president is actually a member of the board (per Mr. Mervosh's comment).


Answer 2 - You need to should amend your bylaws to remove any reference to your past president. Would President Obama want George W. Bush in his cabinet? Would President Bush have wanted Bill Clinton in his cabinet? There's usually a good reason the past president is the past president. Let him rest in peace.


By the way, you've referred to an executive committee and to a board. The same body? Different bodies?

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It appears that it is a custom or tradition for as long as I can remember.  I've been a member since 1966!  The Past-President is not listed as a member of the Executive Committee in the ByLaws per se.

Then, as the others have said, he's not a member.  I suppose he can keep attending as a guest if the rest of the board agrees, but he has no right to vote under any circumstances.

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