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Dealing with DRAFT MINUTES once corrected and approved

Guest Guy Savard

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I am a member of fraternal service club of 300 member and we meet monthly.  After every meeting all members receive a DRAFT copy of the minutes which are sent by e-mail.  Members are invited to submit corrections, if any, or corrections are raised at the subsequent meeting.  Meetings are usually attended by 10 to 15% of our member 


Rightly so, the minutes of the meeting at which the corrections are made merely indicate that the minutes (of the previous meeting) were "Approved as Corrected." without specifying what the corrections were. We do not receive the corrected and approved copy


My issue or concern is that the DRAFT minutes only become the official record of what happened at the previous meeting.  The corrected and APPROVED copy is not sent back to all the 300 members and consequently 85% if the members may not know what the outcome may be.  In some situations the corrections may be significant.  I believe that the APPROVED version should be sent to ALL members although we (members) do not all agree on this point. 


Query.  Is this issue specifically covered in RRO?  

Thanks in advance


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I believe that the APPROVED version should be sent to ALL members . . . 


Then make a motion directing the secretary to do so.


Nothing in RONR requires the minutes (draft or approved) be sent to anyone. Only that the (approved) minutes be available for examination by any member (at the secretary's convenience).

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I am a member of fraternal service club of 300 member and we meet monthly.  After every meeting all members receive a DRAFT copy of the minutes which are sent by e-mail.  Members are invited to submit corrections, if any, or corrections are raised at the subsequent meeting.  Meetings are usually attended by 10 to 15% of our member 


Rightly so, the minutes of the meeting at which the corrections are made merely indicate that the minutes (of the previous meeting) were "Approved as Corrected." without specifying what the corrections were. We do not receive the corrected and approved copy


My issue or concern is that the DRAFT minutes only become the official record of what happened at the previous meeting.  The corrected and APPROVED copy is not sent back to all the 300 members and consequently 85% if the members may not know what the outcome may be.  In some situations the corrections may be significant.  I believe that the APPROVED version should be sent to ALL members although we (members) do not all agree on this point. 


Query.  Is this issue specifically covered in RRO?  

Thanks in advance


You might want to look at what is said in RONR, 11th ed., on page 355, lines 12-27.

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Thanks Daniel for your advise and reference.  I have the RRO Newly Revised in Brief and it only has 195 pages.  I will go to the library and get the larger version and review the text that you are referring to.  Thanks most appreciated. 


Thank you also to Edgar and I will make a motion to this effect at our next meeting. 

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Thanks Daniel for your advise and reference.  I have the RRO Newly Revised in Brief and it only has 195 pages.  I will go to the library and get the larger version and review the text that you are referring to.  Thanks most appreciated. 


Thank you also to Edgar and I will make a motion to this effect at our next meeting.

You should still pick up the full book, but until then, you can refer to RONR In Brief, 2nd ed., pg. 151.

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Thanks John. 


I have ordered from the Library the 700+ pages RRO and looking forward to receiving it. 


I have a copy of the "In Brief" version and read it quite thoroughly including page 151.  However,  it does not seem to address the "issue" that I have and reported above.   That is, the DRAFT of minutes are sent to all member by e-mail however the corrected copies are NOT sent back to members.  Consequently, the only member who may be aware of an AMENDMENT are tose attending the meeting (in our case 10 to 15%.  The majority of the members would NOT know whether an amendment was made or not  (including a major ones) unless they requested the CORRECTED AND APPROVED copy.   


It would seem that the only avenue would be that suggested by Edgar (above), that I make a motion directing the secretary to send to APPROVED version to all members.  Thanks again. 



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Consequently, the only members who may be aware of an AMENDMENT are those attending the meeting (in our case 10 to 15%.  The majority of the members would NOT know whether an amendment was made or not  (including a major one) unless they requested the CORRECTED AND APPROVED copy.  .


You might want to use the word "correction" for changes to the draft minutes and save "amendment" for (rare) changes to the approved minutes.


In any case, if the secretary is doing her job, there should be little, if any, difference between the draft minutes and the approved minutes. I'd be surprised if Margaret Duffy's minutes were ever corrected. Or amended.

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Thanks Edgar.   In our fraternal service club, our secretary is always a "he" and always a volunteer with perhaps little prior secretarial work.  Consequently, he is no "Margaret Duffy" and consequently there are significant differences now and then.  You have raised my curiosity:  who is Margaret Duffy?   Thanks again.  Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.  Guy

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