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Board out of control.


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Looking for some advice. As vice pres of a 100+ member 501©(4) organization the Board of Directors is stonewallilng repeated requests I have made for a copy of the detailed financial audit that will be used by our accountant to file the taxes for 2014. I am being told that as VP I am overstepping my authority. I have made my requests with the authorization of the president. I am simply conducting oversight to make sure things are being done properly.  I do not want to start a war, but I am ready to discuss this matter in the open at our upcoming membership meeting to let our 100+ members know what is going on.  What do you think????

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I do not want to start a war, but I am ready to discuss this matter in the open at our upcoming membership meeting to let our 100+ members know what is going on.  What do you think?


Unless you're prepared to make some kind of motion (e.g. to remove some or all of the board, or to appoint a committee to review the finances, or to order the board to release the audit, etc.) you might want to let your 100+members know what's going on before the meeting.


The proper sequence at a meeting (other than at meetings of small boards) is motion, debate, vote. If you can present your position in advance you'll not only save time at the meeting, you may increase your chance for success.

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You have my best wishes for good luck in your efforts. I have been addressing a recalcitrant board for 2 1/2 years over issues where they have clearly violated the by-laws and refuse to admit it. I don't know what your by-laws say, but I would guess that as the Vice-President, and with the President's backing, you  have every right to view a copy of that financial report. bobby101

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Who is telling you that you are overstepping your authority?  The treasurer?  One board member?  Several board members?


RONR gives members the right to examine the records of the secretary.  It does not give members the right to examine records of the treasurer, except in the sense of an audit of the treasurer's records.    Any records or reports of the treasurer which have been filed with the secretary would be subject to examination by members.  However, the board or the assembly general membership can certainly direct that the records you want be made available.


You might have one more option.  Your opening post about being a tax exempt organization indicates to me that your organization might be incorporated.  It it is, I suggest you check your state's non profit corporation laws.  Those laws sometimes provide for the right of members to examine the records of the corporation.  They vary from state to state.

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Looking for some advice. As vice pres of a 100+ member 501©(4) organization the Board of Directors is stonewallilng repeated requests I have made for a copy of the detailed financial audit that will be used by our accountant to file the taxes for 2014. I am being told that as VP I am overstepping my authority. I have made my requests with the authorization of the president. I am simply conducting oversight to make sure things are being done properly. I do not want to start a war, but I am ready to discuss this matter in the open at our upcoming membership meeting to let our 100+ members know what is going on. What do you think????

No rule in RONR requires that the board give you a copy of the report, although I think you probably have a right to view a copy, and I'm not entirely sure why you have not already done so. Did you miss the meeting where the board approved the audit report? Your rules or applicable law might grant additional rights. In any event, the membership could order the board to give you a copy. Whether you wish to make a motion on this subject at a meeting of the membership is up to you.

RONR gives members the right to examine the records of the secretary. It does not give members the right to examine records of the treasurer, except in the sense of an audit of the treasurer's records.

Yes, but an audit report seems to be exactly what this is. It may be that the board approves this report in this organization (a common arrangement), but the board members would still have a right to view the report. The Vice President is usually a member of the board.

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It seems (at a minimum) "odd" (to say the least) that a majority of the Board is preventing you from an examination of such records. Do those in the majority (Board members that say you are exceeding your authority) have access and knowledge of such financials and reports? What do they have to "hide"?

Before taking this to the membership, I would make sure that my request(s) and Board majority denial of the request(s) are fully documented. In other words, be careful that they don't pull the rug out from under you by claiming that they did no such thing. [i have seen such behavior.]

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