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Entertaining a Motion

Guest Jai Simon

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When the floor won't entertain a motion. What do you do to have it entertained from the chair?

Is the situation that a member is making a motion, and the chair is simply ignoring the motion rather than stating the question on the motion or ruling it out of order? If so, the proper course of action is for the member to raise a Point of Order, followed by an Appeal if necessary.

If you suspect that the chair might also ignore the Point of Order and/or Appeal, see RONR, 11th ed., pgs. 650-653 for information on further steps to take.

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What do you mean by "entertain a motion?"  Generally speaking the only way a motion won't be considered by the body is if there is not a second (assuming a second is required-which it isn't always) or the Chair rules the motion isn't in order (subject to an Appeal) or by a 2/3 vote the body decides not to consider it (RONR pp. 267-270).

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The chair will not open the floor for the said motion to be made. Quote " I will not open the floor to entertain the motion"


See Mr. Martin's post.  Post #2

And if the language in RONR that Mr. Martin referred you to on pages 650-653 is hard to understand, you might take a look at Official Interpretation No 2006-2:    http://www.robertsrules.com/interp_list.html#2006_2

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