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Bringing motions for subject not on the agenda

Guest Jim H

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Hi, all. I have always understood that only items on the agenda may be brought to a vote, that if it is something in no way related to anything on the agenda. I've been told this is incorrect. Can you help me clarify one way or the other?



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Some agendas are very specific. Some agendas are very general (basically a modified Standard Order of Business). And many successful meetings take place without an agenda at all.


In any case, an agenda can be amended. See FAQ #14.

If the agenda is a strict one, with individual items listed, and the agenda is not amended, can items be brought up that aren't on the agenda and voted on?


I'm trying to figure out where I got this notion. Thanks.

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If the agenda is a strict one, with individual items listed, and the agenda is not amended, can items be brought up that aren't on the agenda and voted on?


I'm trying to figure out where I got this notion. Thanks.


I'm reminded of this post by Mr. Martin, who was remembering what Mr. Elsman said back in the day.  To my knowledge no one here has disagreed with that opinion, yet.



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