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Candidate eligibility

Guest MItchell

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Assuming that all Board candidates come from our general membership, who determines the specific requirements each candidate to be "eligible"?

What happens in the case where a candidate does not meet the published requirements of the Board position?

Are there examples of specific requirements for a candidate to be considered "eligible" that I can locate?

Thank you!

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Any requirements to be eligible for office or board positions need to be in your bylaws.  Otherwise, people have a right to be nominated and to serve.  If a candidate doesn't meet the bylaws qualifications, then they cannot take office.  Sometimes there are requirements like a certain amount of time in the organization, a give or get program, or a requirement for some sort of professional qualification or training.

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I agree with Godelfan, but would add, in case it's not clear, that neither the board nor the president nor the general membership have any authority to impose any "qualifications" on candidates other than those in the bylaws. If there are no qualifications in the bylaws, then there are no qualifications.  You would have to amend the bylaws to impose qualifications (or additional qualifications).

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9 hours ago, Guest MItchell said:

Q. Are there examples of specific requirements for a candidate to be considered "eligible" that I can locate?

A. No.

Under Robert's Rules of Order, all human beings who are not yet dead, are eligible to serve in elected/appointed office for any organization.

If you WANT to have qualifications, then you will have to amend your bylaws.

Your board cannot willy-nilly create "candidate qualifications" out of thin air.

Your board is free to create a "wish list" or a "recommended set of skills", but those extra criteria are not binding, and won't prevent, for example, convicted felons or at-large fugitives, from being elected.


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