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By-Law Amendment


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Our By-Laws read to amend the By-Laws:

Proposed amendments shall be signed and submitted in writing at a regular meeting of the general membership. All By-Laws or amendments to existing By-Laws shall be voted on by ballot no sooner than the next regular meeting. Two-thirds (2/3's) of the votes cast shall be necessary for acceptance.

Once an amendment has been submitted is a motion required to adopt the amendment or would a vote be automatic?  As long as I have been a member anytime an amendment was proposed it was just voted on at the next meeting with no motion, is that proper or have we been doing it wrong all along?

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2 hours ago, wfd086 said:

Once an amendment has been submitted -- is a motion required to adopt the amendment -- or would a vote be automatic

As long as I have been a member anytime an amendment was proposed it was just voted on at the next meeting with no motion. Is that proper, or have we been doing it wrong all along?

 The answer is "automatic". -- No motion is necessary.

Per your bylaws' method of amendment, you are giving notice.

Therefore, the amendment should be automatically "considered".

See page 594.


[...] all bylaw amendments of which notice was given should be considered,

as a matter of the rights of their proposers,

and a bylaw amendment is not dropped simply because it would conflict with one previously adopted.


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24 minutes ago, Daniel H. Honemann said:

As far as the rules in RONR are concerned, giving previous notice of intent to make (introduce) a motion is no more than that. It is not the same thing as actually making a motion.

Assuming this notice didn't come from a bylaws committee, is it your opinion that the presiding officer should recognize the member who gave previous notice at the proper time so that he can make his motion?  

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