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New Kindle version of RONR coming Out?

Richard Brown

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I see on Amazon.com that a Kindle version of the 11th edition of RONR is due to be released on September 4, 2018, and that pre-orders are being accepted now.   I know a Kindle version of the 11th edition was available briefly several years ago, but the pagination was different from the printed and CD-ROM versions, making it hard to provide accurate citations, other than to section numbers.   A new version of RONR in Brief is also scheduled for release on the same date.

Can someone on the authorship team provide us with some more information on the new Kindle version, particularly whether the page numbers will match the pagination of the hard copy of RONR and the CD-ROM version?    Any other pertinent information would also be appreciated!

My thanks to  Caryn Ann Harlos for bringing this  to my attention.  



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PDF may raise no worries, but the Kindle format of RONR and RONRIB, which were available for a small window of time, is difficult to use because it does not use page and line numbers that correspond to the print editions of those works.

It is my understanding that extensions made to the Kindle format now make it more suitable for reference works such as RONR.  But this is the first rumor I've heard that it might happen.  One lives in hope.

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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