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Email Voting

Guest Lori McConville

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Guest Lori McConville

Does an email vote count when it's cast before the meeting?  We have a major purchase that has been a topic of several meetings and email discussions, but not voted on.  A Special Meeting was called particularly to debate and vote  with new information brought forward.  Motions were made at the meeting.  Does the vote of a board member who does not attend the meeting count?  

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42 minutes ago, Guest Lori McConville said:

Does an email vote count when it's cast before the meeting?  We have a major purchase that has been a topic of several meetings and email discussions, but not voted on.  A Special Meeting was called particularly to debate and vote  with new information brought forward.  Motions were made at the meeting.  Does the vote of a board member who does not attend the meeting count?  

No, unless your rules provide for it.

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Guest Lori, I agree with the previous answers.  However, in the future please post your questions in the "General Discussion" forum rather than here.  This particular forum is for technical questions about issues with the message board itself, not for questions about parliamentary procedure.  Those should be posted in the general forum.  Thanks!

Edited by Richard Brown
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Guest Lori McConville
On 8/23/2018 at 8:09 AM, Chris Harrison said:

Do your bylaws specifically authorize voting via email?


On 8/23/2018 at 8:09 AM, Chris Harrison said:

Do your bylaws specifically authorize voting via email?

On 8/23/2018 at 8:09 AM, Chris Harrison said:

Do your bylaws specifically authorize voting via email?

On 8/23/2018 at 12:11 PM, Richard Brown said:

Guest Lori, I agree with the previous answers.  However, in the future please post your questions in the "General Discussion" forum rather than here.  This particular forum is for technical questions about issues with the message board itself, not for questions about parliamentary procedure.  Those should be posted in the general forum.  Thanks!




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Guest Lori McConville
On 8/23/2018 at 8:09 AM, Chris Harrison said:

Do your bylaws specifically authorize voting via email?

No.  This is something we need to address, so I was looking for an opinion.  The timing here is an issue.  The vote was cast without being privy to the information and discussion of the meeting.  Can someone vote who has not heard all the information?  

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On 8/23/2018 at 8:09 AM, Chris Harrison said:

Do your bylaws specifically authorize voting via email?


9 minutes ago, Guest Lori McConville said:

No.  This is something we need to address, so I was looking for an opinion.  The timing here is an issue.  The vote was cast without being privy to the information and discussion of the meeting.  Can someone vote who has not heard all the information?  

As Mr. Huynh pointed out, absentee voting of any sort is prohibited by RONR unless specifically authorized by your bylaws or required by state law.  The issue here isn't whether someone voted without having all the facts or hearing the debate.  That is perfectly permissible.  A member who arrives at the meeting after all debate has taken place and voting is about to begin has just as much right to vote as another member who has been there for the whole thing.  The issue is that ABSENTEE voting  of any sort.... whether by mail, email, phone, proxy or whatever.... is prohibited unless authorized in the bylaws or required by state law.  You must be physically present in order to vote.

In your case, this particular board member is attempting to vote absentee, apparently via email.  That is not permissible under RONR.  He must be physically present in the meeting room in order to vote.

Does that answer your question?

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1 hour ago, Guest Lori McConville said:

No.  This is something we need to address, so I was looking for an opinion.  The timing here is an issue.  The vote was cast without being privy to the information and discussion of the meeting.  Can someone vote who has not heard all the information?  

My opinion:

Someone can vote who has not heard all the information.

However, since your rules do not permit email voting, this particular vote does not count.

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2 hours ago, Guest Lori McConville said:

No.  This is something we need to address, so I was looking for an opinion.  The timing here is an issue.  The vote was cast without being privy to the information and discussion of the meeting.  Can someone vote who has not heard all the information?  

Sorry, but the informed voter rule does not exist.  RONR is perfectly clear that the right to vote is not predicated on having any facts, or hearing any debate.  So that alone would not prevent the vote from being counted. But...

There is a clear requirement the voter must be present in the room at the time the vote is cast.  Absentee votes are prohibited unless your bylaws explicitly allow them.  So it would be improper to count that vote.  It certainly would have been better if that member had been properly informed of the rules before casting that improper vote.  But being badly advised does not make the vote valid.  


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