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Making a motion

David Williamson

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Not really, and it makes life hard for the Secretary. It is proper to make a motion by stating exactly what you'd like the motion to be. Note: It is the case that the chair's words, not the mover's, wind up in the minutes, so things work out fine if you say "so moved" and the chair says "the question is on ..." and states the question - but then we're not sure if that's what you wanted, and it's rare for the chair to do that instead of immediately saying "any debate?" So, still, just say what you're moving.

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10 minutes ago, David Williamson said:

Is it proper to make a motion by stating "so Moved"?

No.  " A member making a motion embodying something that has just been said by the chair or another member in informal consultation during a meeting should avoid statements such as "I so move," and should himself recite the complete motion that he offers. "  RONR (11th ed.), p. 104

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Geiger said:

What would be the proper verbiage if the (lengthy) motion has been distributed to the members and submitted to the chair and secretary in written form? Does it need to be read in its entirety?

“If conditions make it impractical for a member offering a written resolution to read it himself, he should sign it and pass or send it to the chair ahead of time (in a large meeting, often by page or messenger), or he can deliver it to the secretary before the meeting. In such a case the member offers his resolution by saying, "I move the adoption of the resolution relating to ... , which I have sent to the chair [or "have delivered to the Secretary"]," identifying it by its subject matter; or, when moving its adoption, the member may identify the resolution by its designated title, number, letter, or the like. The chair then says, "The resolution offered by Mrs. A is as follows: ..." or, "The Secretary will read the resolution offered by Mrs. A," and the chair (or the secretary) reads the resolution in full. If the text of the resolution or motion has been distributed to the members in advance, however, it need not be read when moved.” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 33)

As Mr. Katz notes, however, the resolution must be read if a member requests it.

”When any paper is laid before the assembly for action, it is a right of every member that it be read once; and, if there is any debate or amendment, that it be read again before members are asked to vote on it.” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 299)

Even in cases such as this, “So moved” is not the proper language to use.

Edited by Josh Martin
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