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Motion/Vote without discussion

Guest Heidi

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If a Special Meeting is called for the purpose of voting on a committees' recommendation for a new pastor and the committee does not want a discussion, as they are presenting all the items needed for the vote, can that be done and how?

Ordinarily, debate is the right and the duty of the assembly. Cutting off debate can only be done with the consent of 2/3 of the assembly.

It is up to the assembly, when considering these recommendations, and NOT the committee presenting them.

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Or, debate may be closed by the Chairman - if no one else wants the floor to speak, the Chairman can ask "Does anyone else wish to speak to the motion (pause), as there is no one, discussion is now closed. All those in favour please state "aye" (pause), all against please say "nay". The ayes (or nays) have it and the motion is passed (or the morion is defeated."

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Or, debate may be closed by the Chairman - if no one else wants the floor to speak, the Chairman can ask "Does anyone else wish to speak to the motion (pause), as there is no one, discussion is now closed. All those in favour please state "aye" (pause), all against please say "nay". The ayes (or nays) have it and the motion is passed (or the morion is defeated."

The proper form is, "Are you ready for the question?" When a motion is amendable but undebatable, "Are there any [further] amendments?", may be used, instead. See RONR (10th ed.), p. 42, ll. 26-28; p. 189, ll. 2, 3.

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Or, debate may be closed by the Chairman - if no one else wants the floor to speak, the Chairman can ask "Does anyone else wish to speak to the motion (pause), as there is no one, discussion is now closed. All those in favour please state "aye" (pause), all against please say "nay". The ayes (or nays) have it and the motion is passed (or the morion is defeated."

I'm not sure that's very useful in this instance unless no one wants to debate the motion, since the goal is to avoid any debate on the motion.

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