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Found 4 results

  1. I always thought that elections (for boardmembers or officers) need previous notice but could not such a rule. Am I just making rules up? Also was puzzling if the board has the authority to appoint/ elect replacement boardmembers!/officers can the previous notice be omitted if all boardmembers are present (so no absentees rights are harmed) ? In my opinion previous notice is still needed, to prevent railroading , but would like to hear opinions of others. (Off course if there is no rule prescribing previous notice this is a bit out of order)
  2. Hi all, My union, which is constitutionally bound by RONR, is gearing up for its annual meeting involving bylaw changes. The constitution requires a 14 day notice for any proposed bylaw change. Proposals have been submitted and announced to the membership, however, the union leadership is stating the debate and voting on the proposed bylaw changes can exceed what was originally announced 14 days before the annual meeting. I tried, and failed, to explain "scope of notice" and its purpose in protecting the rights of absent members. What section/chapter is "scope of notice" stated in RONR?
  3. Assume: Bylaws require only previous notice of amendment, without limitation of the period within which it must be acted upon (i.e., ordinary Robertian notice; no readings; no delays). Assume: In January, the general membership creates a Bylaw Committee. The charge of the Bylaws Committee is to create a full revision of the bylaws. The general membership fixes a "rush" deadline for the final report of the Bylaws Committee -- namely, the next regular meeting (February). Question: May the general membership act upon (adopt!) the revision in the February meeting (i.e., the same meeting as the final report of the Bylaws Committee)?
  4. There are some actions which, upon a timely Point of Order, will turn: (a.) an adopted motion; into (b.) a null-and-void motion. *** There are at least three kinds of behavior which will trigger the above change: (1.) Previous notice was insufficient. -- A member(s) was/were not mailed the notice. (2.) A member(s) was/were not allowed to attend a meeting. (3.) A member(s) was/were not allowed to vote at a meeting. *** Of the above listed behaviors, there is a circumstance where (a.) the adopted motion will stand. (b.) the adopted motion will be rendered null and void. *** Given a timely Point of Order: Q. Which of the behaviors have a circumstance where the adopted motion will stand? Q. Which of the behaviors will always render an adopted motion as null and void? *** The reader may wish to review some key pages in RONR: (1.) page 252, "Remedy for violation of the right to vote". (2.) page 445, the paragraph which begins, "Otherwise, an election may be contested by . . ." and its bullet items. ***
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