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George Mervosh

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Everything posted by George Mervosh

  1. You should send out the draft with the exact wording the chair used to put the question to a vote. The board will need to amend the motion at a regular or properly called meeting if the wording in the adopted motion was incorrect. The minutes are a record of what was done, and the problem you state in your facts can't be corrected by making changes to the minutes.
  2. A motion which died for the lack of a second can be made again during the same meeting. That's hasn't changed. Oh and tacking onto 10+ year old threads is frowned upon by the moderators.....even the tolerant ones. See
  3. If this is a board meeting, that is left to the discretion of the board. If the board does wish to distribute unapproved minutes it is best to be sure that it is clear they are unapproved. No.
  4. Picking a fight with you before fishing season starts is just dumb.
  5. Ugh. It's going to be one of those weeks, eh?
  6. I need more help on this. Are two amendments in one like this proper if a proposed budget is pending and we're using the subsidiary motion to amend?
  7. Taking steps to obtain a quorum is always something an assembly can do. Whether it's at the outset of a meeting where a quorum is not present or if one is lost in the middle of a meeting.
  8. No rule prohibits a member from leaving a meeting any time they wish to. To prevent them from leaving, no, but a motion to recess could have been adopted (by majority vote) and you could have made an attempt during that recess to get someone else to join the meeting and meet the quorum requirement. I don't know about that.
  9. At our 2FP meetings, no one is wary of this Greek's gifts, but it usually involves paying for the next round.
  10. Okay then, what would be the vote required for the assembly to instruct its subordinate board to use the procedure in small boards for all of its meetings? At first blush it doesn't seem any rule is being suspended, modified, or conflicted with by this instruction.
  11. The committee should have someone who agrees with the recommendation move for its adoption. I don't think the reporting member should be speaking against it.
  12. No one said that. Instructions to a committee and suspending the rules regarding the vote requirement in a deliberative assembly are two different things.
  13. "It should be noted that a member's absence from the meeting for which minutes are being approved does not prevent the member from participating in their correction or approval. " RONR (12th ed.), 41:11 That said, no vote is taken on the final approval of the minutes. After any proposed corrections are dealt with the chair declares the minutes approved without a vote.
  14. If a majority vote or a 2/3 vote is required to adopt a motion, those requirements are suspendable. Giving a committee instructions which includes requiring them to suspend the rules and agree to something by a "75% vote threshold" seems fine as well.
  15. Given this information I don't see any violation of any rule in RONR.
  16. Was this at a board meeting and, if so, were any board members absent from this meeting?
  17. Nothing in RONR says that. Nothing in RONR prohibits it. The President seems rightly concerned about secrecy but what he says is not in the book.
  18. C. If there is an objection to a proposed correction, the assembly handles the matter under the rules for a motion to amend and then votes and decides the matter by majority vote. When all corrections have been dealt with the chair declares the minutes approved (approved as corrected) without a vote. See RONR (12th ed.), 41:9-41:12
  19. Yes to both questions, but it's really designed for something where there seems to be no opposition and/or matters of little importance. See RONR (12th ed.), 4:58-4:63, especially the first and last paragraphs.
  20. Unless a vote by ballot is required, the use of unanimous consent is fine, especially since you note the vote is almost always a formality. If anyone objects a regular vote is taken. Present and voting is the default in RONR.
  21. RONR mentions the possibility of a committee's involvement in approving the minutes under the circumstances described in 48:12. If it's just a garden variety monthly meeting I don't understand what they meant.
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