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George Mervosh

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Everything posted by George Mervosh

  1. Oh I can see that too and Mr. Lages already noted that possibility, but I think he should always announce the count. Also, in 4:49 c) I don't think it matters who ordered the count, this form must be used.
  2. The motion to close them is not in order when anyone still wishes to make a nomination, and when it's clear no further nominations are coming the chair should simply declare them closed. If formally moved and in order, the motion requires a 2/3 vote without debate.
  3. I'm not sure I understand this post but if a count is taken on a motion that will appear in the minutes, the result of the count needs to be announced and recorded in the minutes along with the chair's declaration of whether or not the motion was adopted. I don't think it matters if the assembly ordered the vote be counted or the chair decided to count the vote because it was not clear to him which side prevailed.
  4. My own view of it is that if the vote is counted when voting on the main motion, the count should be entered into the minutes, whether ordered by the assembly, or the chair on his own initiative.
  5. Also see Official Interpretation 2006-2 here https://robertsrules.com/official-interpretations/#interpretations While it might not really be discipline, suspending the rules to remove the president from presiding over a particular meeting or part of a particular meeting is sure going to feel like discipline. I like Mr. Brown's idea of a chat with him first. He might like that better than seeing this tried in a meeting.
  6. If your board does invite staff members to attend, it may be worth considering going into executive session which will simply impose secrecy on the proceedings. The staff will be honor-bound not to divulge anything that occurred. RONR (12th ed.), 9:24-27
  7. There is nothing in RONR which prohibits a member from nominating himself from the floor.
  8. If the motion with the incorrect term was not carried out, I can't see why that motion can't be amended. Someone else might see a reason why but I can't at this point.
  9. It's far too late to reconsider the vote on the adopted main motion.
  10. He has no right to have his vote recorded. The request can be granted by majority vote. RONR (12th ed.), 48:3
  11. Under the rules in RONR, none. The board can either grant the request or not.
  12. This is not correct. Including a member's name in a resolution is necessary in resolutions related to the disciplinary procedures in RONR, and very common in courtesy resolutions and has nothing to do with the actual debate of the resolution. I have no clue what this means. The rules for decorum in debate are always applicable when any motion or resolution is being debated regardless of whether a member is present or not.
  13. I don't know about Mr. Novosielski, but after 4+ years of waiting I am quite "moved" (verb, past tense) by this.
  14. Yes. You're referring to a roll call vote. See RONR (12th ed.), 45:45-54
  15. Okay, but their refusal to vote your way doesn't change the answer provided by Mr. Honemann in post #2.
  16. Perhaps this will help. " In filling vacancies for unexpired terms, an officer who has served more than half a term in an office is considered to have served a full term." RONR (12th ed.), 47:4
  17. Not under the rules in RONR. Once is quite enough.
  18. My own view of it, Gary, is technically, yes. Just because a contract has been signed doesn't necessarily mean it is impossible to undo (35:6 (b) ). That's really the only standard here related to this scenario.
  19. I wouldn't worry about this part too much since you state the notice was given. So was it the motions for which previous notice was given that were removed from the proposed agenda prior to adopting it?
  20. In the tinted pages - Tables of Rules Relating to Motions (t6ff), see the motions where the class is M/B. IIRC correctly, all of them are forms of a motion to Rescind, or Amend Something Previously Adopted.
  21. Isn't this applicable with regards to a motion to reconsider the vote rather than rescind?
  22. An Objection to the Consideration of a Question can only be applied to an original main motion and not before one is made. It cannot be made at all regarding a motion to amend the bylaws. See RONR (12th ed.), 26:2 (2). Oh and for the future see.
  23. Lots of things need notice in a city council. Their attorney can advise them.
  24. In the world of RONR, at the appropriate time in the order of business the presiding officer would open the floor to nominations (which are debatable by any member of council) and when there are no further nominations, the council votes. What you absolutely must do is consult with the council's attorney regarding any applicable adopted procedural rules the council has adopted and any applicable procedural rules in statute that may apply, as those take precedence over the rules in RONR.
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