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Voice recording meeting by a board member


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In our Board of Trustees meeting one of the trustees wants to voice record the entire proceedings even with out board approval? Can he do that with out Board approval?



okay, wait a minute. I took it to mean this would be against the will of the assembly. The board could allow it, without a formal vote.

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I love nice clear one word answers to avoid confusion too, but why the

abrupt "NO"? I recall Robert speaking about recordings of meetings, just

don't remember where or what. But I do remember Robert not saying just "NO".

But the question here was specifically whether he could do it without board approval, not whether there were any conditions under which he could do it.

And the answer to that, according to the rules in RONR, if they apply, is: No.

As always, your local bylaws or special rules of order may conflict with, and therefore supersede, the rules in RONR, and then the answer becomes, I have no idea.

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It pains me to belabor this one, but wouldn't the board have to say no? Or maybe that's what Jay meant by with out Board approval?

I would say if the Board (or some applicable rule) said that the meetings couldn't be recorded without specific permission (or recorded at all) that the member would be in the wrong. On the other hand if there was no rule in place I would say that the Board gave its tacit permission if the Board member was openly recording the meeting but if it was being covertly done then the Board was not given the opportunity to object to the recording and the Board member should be subject to discipline.

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This is Jay the original author of the topic, Our association is registed in Illinois and we counduct our meetings here in Illinois. In our last board meeting, in the begining of the meeting 2 memebers informed the president that they are recoding the proceedings for their protection and started recroding, then the majority of the members objected it. Still they recorded it for a while. Our bylaws do not mention about the voice recroding. He said he will record it anyway even if the majority of the board members did not permit.

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This is Jay the original author of the topic, Our association is registed in Illinois and we counduct our meetings here in Illinois. In our last board meeting, in the begining of the meeting 2 memebers informed the president that they are recoding the proceedings for their protection and started recroding, then the majority of the members objected it. Still they recorded it for a while. Our bylaws do not mention about the voice recroding. He said he will record it anyway even if the majority of the board members did not permit.

I can understand wanting to protect myself but if I were the Board I would adopt a motion instructing the Board member(s) to stop recording the meeting and if the Board member(s) continued the recording the Board should order them to leave the meeting until they are willing to cease the recording of the meetings (RONR pp. 625-628). If the Board member(s) really feel that they need to protect themselves they should take their case to the Membership itself who could order the Board to allow the meetings to be recorded.

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