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Voting results

Guest Lisa

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Hello, I need some guidance as I cannot understand it myself from reading the information. I have 2 questions.

1. If someone was brought up to fill a position and required a 2/3 vote for nomination, which they did not get, are they eligible to be brought up in the future for nomination? I do not know if it is relevant or not, but many voting members were not able to be present for the vote and are upset that they did not get to vote.

2. When electing a pulpit committee, which is done by written vote by members listing names of 5-7 people, can the committee have 2 members from the same family, such as father and daughter?

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AiC212, please post a new question as a new topic instead of adding to an existing thread. Think of this thread as Guest_Lisa's thread. This way, the answers to your question will not be confused with the answers to the question that Guest_Lisa had, especially if they're completely different situations.


AiC212, you can post a new question by going to the General Discussion forum and clicking on "Start New Topic" near the upper right hand corner.

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