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Quorum and nomination meeting

Guest patricia Shea

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Guest patricia Shea

Bylaws provide for a vacancy to be filled by election within 60 days.  Nomination meeting to be called by Chair.  Bylaws also require a quorum of 20 members for "any meeting".  Tried to have a nomination meeting, with proper notice to all members but failed to obtain a quorum. Does a properly noticed nomination meeting have to have a quorum?  What to do if they can't obtain one?

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Does a properly noticed nomination meeting have to have a quorum?  What to do if they can't obtain one?

Yes, a quorum is required for nominations. If there is no quorum at the nominations meeting, I suppose you'll have to do nominations at the election meeting. Failing that, the election may be conducted without nominations.

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Does a properly noticed nomination meeting have to have a quorum?


You can (and should) hold a properly noticed meeting even if a quorum doesn't show up. It's just that you won't be able to do very much (including nominations). See §40, QUORUM, for everything you need to know. See especially pp.347-348 for the (very) few things that can be done in the absence of a quorum. 

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Failing that, the election may be conducted without nominations.



what is your authority for that.  Not questioning you but need to cite something.  Could find nothing in RONR.  Thanks for your help.


"Strictly speaking, nominations are not necessary when an election is by ballot or roll call, since each member is free to vote for any eligible person, whether he has been nominated or not. In most societies, however, it is impractical to proceed to an election without first making nominations"  RONR (11th ed.), pp. 430-31


Impractical or not, you may have no choice.  Hope you get a quorum for elections.

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