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Membership calls mass meeting, quorum and opposition


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Membership has called a mass meeting.  Does it appropriately according to RR.


Bylaws do not have provisions for Mass Meeting. They only state "The president or executive board may call a special meeting at any time by emailing a notice"


We have now heard from the vice president, that the board will not attend and they do not recognize this meeting, are calling it a special meeting and is attempting to "uncall" the meeting.  We believe he cannot do this.  Its not an executive or board meeting and is not a special meeting, it is a Mass Meeting for the membership.


We have a Chairman, Secretary in place for this meeting. Two board members will be present however, this is a membership meeting and not a board meeting.


There is so much hate happening right now generated by the President.  He is the chief reason for this problems and is telling the new vp and newly elected people a lot of untruths.



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If there is a Membership and Boad then I strongly suspect your understanding of what a Mass Meeting is deviates greatly from RONR.  RONR p. 5 says:


A mass meeting is a meeting of an unorganized group that is announced as open to everyone (or everyone within a specified sector of the population) interested in a particular problem or purpose defined by the meeting's sponsors, and that is called with a view to appropriate action to be decided on and taken by the meeting body.


What you are describing very much sounds like an attempt by the Membership to call a Special Meeting which (you claim your bylaws say) can only be done by the Board or President and according to you they have declined to to do so.  If a bunch of you want to have a gathering to discuss things you can do so but you would not be doing so in the name of the organization.  If the Membership wants to do anything official they would need to either convince the Board or President to call the Special Meeting (which doesn't sound to likely) or wait until the next regularly scheduled Membership meeting.

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Membership has called a mass meeting.  Does it appropriately according to RR.

If this is correct, then the resulting meeting is not a meeting of the membership of the society. It is a meeting of individuals who happen to also be members of a society. This mass meeting cannot take action in the name of the society.

We have now heard from the vice president, that the board will not attend and they do not recognize this meeting, are calling it a special meeting and is attempting to "uncall" the meeting.  We believe he cannot do this.  Its not an executive or board meeting and is not a special meeting, it is a Mass Meeting for the membership.


We have a Chairman, Secretary in place for this meeting. Two board members will be present however, this is a membership meeting and not a board meeting.


There is so much hate happening right now generated by the President.  He is the chief reason for this problems and is telling the new vp and newly elected people a lot of untruths.

I am in agreement that the board of the society cannot "uncall" the mass meeting.

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Thank you for your responses here.  You've provided clarification to what we are hoping to accomplish.  We will still get together tonight and work out a better plan moving forward.  I think that in time, this will work out. 


Also, I am on the Board.  I disagree with what is going on behind the scenes and the lies being told to membership. 

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