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Frequency of a defeated ByLaw change motion

Guest Steven Hogue

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10 minutes ago, Guest Steven Hogue said:

How many times can you bring back a motion to change the ByLaws of an Association once its been defeated (by a narrow margin) the first time.  For instance, can it be brought back at the next Board meeting without any substantive change to the motion's text?

Usually proposed bylaw amendments are voted on by the membership.  Is that not the case with your Association?

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14 minutes ago, Guest Steven Hogue said:

How many times can you bring back a motion to change the ByLaws of an Association once its been defeated (by a narrow margin) the first time.  For instance, can it be brought back at the next Board meeting without any substantive change to the motion's text?

There is no rule in RONR (11th ed.) that prohibits the renewal of a previously defeated bylaw amendment.

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On 11/17/2016 at 3:50 PM, Guest Steven Hogue said:

How many times can you bring back a motion to change the ByLaws of an Association once its been defeated (by a narrow margin) the first time.  For instance, can it be brought back at the next Board meeting without any substantive change to the motion's text?

Yes, it can be renewed (made again) presuming that the rules for amendment (such as previous notice, if applicable) are complied with.  

I'm not sure I understand why the Board would be involved with amending the bylaws, but perhaps you have some custom rule on that?

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21 hours ago, g40 said:

There are many fine organizations (I am on the Board of one) where the Bylaws are voted on by the Board - and not by the membership.

Indeed, but you've hung around here long enough to know that boards do all kinds of things they're not allowed to do.  Just wanted to be sure their board wasn't one of them.

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On 11/18/2016 at 6:15 PM, Gary Novosielski said:

I'm not sure I understand why the Board would be involved with amending the bylaws, but perhaps you have some custom rule on that?

Some organizations do not have a dedicated Committee to handle revisions to the By-laws, so the Board either handles all By-law amendments or the amendments must go through the Board first.  I agree it does not always make sense, but I know some statutes even require this.  More than likely as one amendment can impact several By-laws and it is good to review how the one amendment may affect other By-laws.

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I know you know that, and you know I know that, but I wanted to be sure the OP had given it some thought.  

Many people come in with the idea that the Board can do whatever it wants, including sticking its nose into membership decisions at will, vetoing or reversing them, and similar shenanigans.  They're surprised to find the the Board has no powers beyond what the bylaws provide.  


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