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An assembly delegating its authority to a special committee

Guest W. Watson

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My organization bylaws states very specifically that the organization will award a scholarship annually (the amount to be decided by the budget committee) and the assembly will elect the recipient. Can the responsibility to select the recipient be delegated to a special committee without amending the organization's bylaws?



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I'd say yes, the "selection" (winnowing out the best candidate(s) for the scholarship) could be undertaken by a committee but the committee could only recommend its choice(s) to the assembly.  The assembly would have the final ("Yes/No" or "Pick One" from a field of possibilities) decision.  

But, as usual on this B-Board, this is a bylaw interpretation question that will be up to the association to make. We haven't read your bylaws and we aren't members.

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I'm inclined to believe the assembly can delegate it's authority on this matter, simply because I don't see any prohibition against it in the book, and I"m not sure the bylaw provision is written to prohibit it.  In fact I think it's a splendid idea to have a handful of people decide the matter over a much larger group, where it may be difficult to decide and consume a great deal of the assembly's time making the decision.


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Since two of you disagree, I'll have to straighten both of you out and argue that the OP (Guest Watson) said "bylaws states very specifically that the organization will award a scholarship annually ... and the assembly will elect the recipient."

Keeping in mind that selecting, i.e.nominating, a candidate (for office or scholarship) is quite distinct from actually placing him in office (the latter is called an "election" or an "appointment"), I'd still have to say that ONLY the assembly can actually award the scholarship, while a committee could make a selection (for the assembly's subsequent consideration).  I presume (perhaps rashly) that the assembly could ignore the committee's recommendation(s) and give the scholarship to me, it it chose.  [Just like the Electoral College is not obligated to vote for u-kno-who next Monday.]  If the bylaws say "You do it, assembly!" then the assembly can't delegate that job.

But this conclusion assumes that Guest Watson's bylaws are as explicit as his paraphrase in the original posting.

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I'm also of the view that the assembly can't delegate power to do this, if the bylaws are that specific.

But like any motion to do anything, the assembly could refer the matter to a committee for buffing and polishing before acting on, amending, or ignoring its recommendations, which would be in the nature of nominations

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