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Meeting Minutes

Guest Archie

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It's really more of an "assumption" than a clear statement in RONR - at least, at least as far as I can tell. There is a clear assumption that the minutes of any board or assembly "belong" to that board or assembly, which then is clearly the body responsible for their adoption or amendment.

See, for example, RONR pg. 487, ll 13-20, which states:

A record of the board's proceedings should be kept by the secretary, just as in any other assembly; these minutes are accessible only to the members of the board unless the board grants permission to a member of the society to inspect them, or unless the society by a two-thirds vote (or the vote of a majority of the total membership, or a majority vote if previous notice is given) orders the board's minutes to be produced and read to the society's assembly. 


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1 minute ago, Guest Who's Coming to Dinner said:

... minutes are not accepted by motion but simply stand approved after all corrections have been made.

I'm tempted to engrave this into a Wiffle bat with which I can remind the chairs of pretty much every organization I belong to (aside from the local chapter of NAP, of course).

Maybe on the other side I can engrave "the Previous Question requires a 2/3 vote".

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2 hours ago, Guest Who's Coming to Dinner said:

This is a trick question, isn't it? The answer is "nobody," because minutes are not accepted by motion but simply stand approved after all corrections have been made.

Well, ideally, that's true, but RONR does say:



A formal motion to approve the minutes is not necessary, although such a motion is not out of order.


Presumably a second is not required, and a vote on the (possibly presumed) motion should not be taken, because non-approval is not an option.  The only way to express disapproval of the language in the secretary's draft is to offer a correction.

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