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Reports and announcements without a quorum

Guest Minutes
Message added by Shmuel Gerber,

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Even though no binding action can be taken in the absence of a quorum, can the meeting continue with officers/committees presenting reports, and official announcements, which would be recorded in the minutes, or are those discussions/announcements not part of any official record if there is not a quorum at the meeting?


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6 hours ago, Guest Minutes said:

Even though no binding action can be taken in the absence of a quorum, can the meeting continue with officers/committees presenting reports, and official announcements, which would be recorded in the minutes, or are those discussions/announcements not part of any official record if there is not a quorum at the meeting?

Reports cannot be formally given in the absence of a quorum, and reports are generally not recorded in the minutes in any event. The minutes would normally only record the fact that the reports were received and placed on file. In the case of a meeting without a quorum, the reports are not formally received, so this fact would not be noted in the minutes. The reports would need to be given again at a meeting with a quorum present.

I don't know what is meant by an "official announcement." Previous notice of a motion could not be given. Other than that, however, nothing in RONR distinguishes between an "official" announcement and an "unofficial" announcement, and therefore I am generally inclined to think that announcements could be made in the absence of a quorum. With the exception of giving previous notice of a motion, announcements generally would not be recorded in the minutes in any event.

I am not quite certain what the "discussions" refers to. Discussion should not be permitted except when a motion is pending, which would not be in order without a quorum present, and in any event, discussion is not recorded in the minutes.

Edited by Josh Martin
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Giving reports and making official announcements is considered “conducting business“ and is not appropriate in the absence of a quorum. Those items may be discussed informally, but the reports should not be considered as having been “given” and there should be no mention in the minutes of the reports having been given. Also, giving official notice, such as previous notice of intent to introduce a motion at the next meeting, is also considered conducting business and is not appropriate in the absence of a quorum.

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2 minutes ago, Rob Elsman said:

While efforts are being made to obtain a quorum, it is appropriate for the assembly to recess or "stand at ease".  In large assemblies where forms of entertainment are available (such as a band or singers), these forms may perform to help pass the time pleasantly.

You need an invite to the 2FP.  :)  

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