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Discussion Prior to a Motion

Bob Rhoden

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I serve as President of a Non-Profit Board, and we always handle Action Items this way:

  • I read the Action Item as included in the agenda and call on the presenter,
  • The presenter gives some information and makes a recommendation we take the action as prescribed in the agenda,
  • I say "You have heard the recommendation from <Presenter> regarding <Action Item as included in the agenda>, is there a Motion".  Assuming we have a motion, I ask for a second.  Assuning there is a second, I say, "We have a Motion and a Second, is there any discussion or questions".  After questions and discussion, I call for the vote.

I've had a request from a member to allow the Board to discuss the information prior to a Motion.  I've been doing non-profit work for 30 years, on a number of different boards, and I've always seen discussion coming after the motion and second.  

Is it proper to allow discussion prior to a motion?

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Agreeing with Mr. Brown, you seem to have a superfluous step in your procedure.  If the rules in RONR apply, the procedure would be:

  • Announce the relevant item in the Agenda.  
  • Recognize the person known to be the "presenter"
  • That person being recognized begins:  "Mr. President, I move that..."
  • If necessary, ask if there is a second
  • Assuming there is a second, give preference in recognition to the mover to begin debate on the motion. This is where he would provide background and rational for adopting the motion.


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On 12/5/2023 at 3:47 PM, Richard Brown said:

Agreeing with Mr. Katz, I will also point out that you are already allowing discussion prior to a motion being made by permitting "the presenter" to provide information and make a recommendation. 

This seems to me very similar, or maybe even identical, to reports of officers, boards, and committees. 

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On 12/6/2023 at 9:11 AM, Shmuel Gerber said:

This seems to me very similar, or maybe even identical, to reports of officers, boards, and committees. 

But if it is none of these, I don't think this pre-motion presentation is in order unless the "small board" rules are in effect. 

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